
We aren’t and we don’t need to be. A lot of people have some form of cognitive disability. They’re still responsible for their actions so far as they’re able to understand them. If someone’s functioning at a level where he’s able to carry out a plan to threaten to cut someone else with a knife unless she allows him to

Next-door neighbors in matching mansions? Are they a married couple or two eight-year-old best friends planning their future over some Dunkaroos and Squeezits?

My first thought was that he’d done this before and figured they’d finally caught up with him.

We stopped 4 guys from taking a drunken colleague “upstairs for a drink” in a hotel lobby. I was like “where do you think you’re going? I know a gang bang when I see one. (colleagues name) get your ass over here” I barked it really loud, heads turned. And she was drunk off her ass and could hardly walk. So fucking

They honestly think they’re “owed” sex by any woman (or man, if they’re gay) whom they happen to fancy. And if said person doesn’t hand it over after the insertion of however many “friendship coins” that the guy deems sufficient, well, time to just take it. It’s all the victim’s fault for not wanting to jump on his

“I’m a nice guy YOU FUCKING BITCH WHY DON’T YOU TRUST ME AUTOMATICALLY seriously such a nice guy CUNT”

Yeah, he probably thinks of himself as a “nice guy” and was just sick of being in the “friend zone”.

I have to wonder what was going on in his head. Did he know he was caught when he saw the women watching him? Did he think he had gotten away with it until she refused to drink, several times, even at his prompting? Did he know when the “computer was down”?

Then, in walks Santa Monica PD. They say “Come with us” and he doesn’t protest. Doesn’t ask why. Doesn’t seem surprised.

Her best friend. My heart broke. How many women has this happened to? Too many. Someone I considered a close friend, climbed into bed with me at a hotel party. I didn't think anything of it because everyone in our room was sleeping, including the other guy in the bed. My friend obviously thought I was passed out

Marla noticed him several times chinking his glass to hers to get her to drink.

This is a very fair analysis of what has gone wrong with Bernie. People showing up to the rallies like he’s on a concert tour doesn’t do much on voting day if they don’t go to the polls. And they got rid of their ground game organizer guy in California, so they clearly haven’t learned their lesson if the point is to

Yeah, she’s a real moderate Republican:

Nothing about Hillary Clinton’s proposals are moderate Republican. She’s left of Obama. There’s a reason why the GOP has aggressively gone after her for 30 years. Or do you have an explanation for that, too? Part of another conspiracy, maybe? Her current policies are contained by one thing: her analysis of what she

Oh, yeah. I remember thinking, “Oh, wow, I think I’m actually going to vote for Bernie Sanders for POTUS” And then, drip, drip, drip. Being involved with Cornel West, having no interest in meeting actual voters in intimate settings, his failure to condemn attacks by his supporters on Civil Rights icons because they

There’s no constitutional right to participate as a delegate in a political party’s state convention. Being a delegate is a privilege, and with that privilege comes certain responsibilities, like having a valid ID (you couldn’t just show up to an industry conference without ID, for example), being a registered member

Even Bernie has been, to some degree, a disaster with him recently admitting in that incredibly bad NYDN article that he doesn’t, in fact, have any policy shapen around “taking down the big banks and wall st.” From the bottom-up and top-down, they need a crash course. I got no hte for Bernie, but he just seems

Can we please stop with the calling the 11th most liberal senator “pretty much a moderate republican?” I get it, it sounds good, but c’mon. Let’s not do this here.

The party doesn’t “run” someone. A member of the party chooses to run.

These are DELEGATES, not just voters. Many of these so-called delegates couldn’t prove that they even lived in Nevada!