If it is legal, it isn’t tax dodging.
If it is legal, it isn’t tax dodging.
Only a dumbass would pay taxes if there was a method in which they could get away with not doing so. Welcome to the tax code, it’s convoluted for a reason; and that is, so that the politicians that created the thing and all it’s modifications can take advantage of whatever they want. If regular citizens take advantage…
failing to see any automotive tie in
I’m failing to see the Jeep tie-in.
What could the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ever do for us? Fuck it, we dont need this whole fictitious “environment” all y’all libtards are always spouting off about.
It’s craven because the author can’t see past his own prejudices...
You know what’s not good for the American car industry? Going out of business. Ford doesn’t want to be forced to make shit no one will buy, but Fields main motivation is that these regulations are not rushed in to, which is arguably what just happened. Regulations most definitely need to be in place and OEMs need to…
1.) Those racists were already in Canada. 2.) His super racist policies (not the racist things he said, the policies) are just Obama’s policies worded angrily. People I think forget how cruel a lot of what Obama has done is (both red and blue state ignore it). Trumps wall is just an extension of Obama’s fence, and…
I tried saying the same thing, but then I was called a racist just because I said I was tired of the election stuff on Giz. Good luck!
“The moral of the story? While a Trump presidency might fuck you over, Elon Musk will likely continue to flourish.”
Okay, and I’m with you. As a Canadian, NAFTA was a disaster from Day One, and we saw in the papers right after that companies were making immediate plans to move to Mexico. This did amuse anyone with a brain in their head. IMO, a Trump leadership cannot be in any way worse for Canada.
The extreme political editorializing on this site is getting old quickly. This may be news to you, but 47% of the country sees things differently than you. Marginalizing half your readerbase is not a good business model.
How does the staff of Deadspin jibe their love of Conor with their disdain for every other racist troll on the planet?
This was never official and was written by a poet trying to raise funds for the construction of the statue. it was not written by the founding fathers or any other major american historical figure.
Exclusive sneak peak of the 2020 Discovery model.