
2016 Jalopnik: Fear mongering, fear mongering, fear mongering, car news, fear mongering....

Welcome to the culturally appropriated, Merkel’s Germany. Expect to be raped, beaten or killed if you aren’t a Muslim. Happy Holidays.

Wait... The truck killed these people or the radicalized Muslim extremist refugee behind the wheel did?

The regressive left has ruined higher education. Luckily we have someone about to run the country that understands this and will rid us of the safe-space, fake rape-culture, virtue signalling BS that these tenured babies (aka profs) have been able to get away with.

Absolutely shocked that Gawker network believes the lies of the politicised CIA and complete lack of any evidence to support their claims of Russian involvement. Julian Assange has never produced a falsified document in his 10 years of leaking, he said yesterday that unequivocally the LEAK not a HACK was NOT Russian.

Keyword: WAS.

It’s ok, maybe your local liberal arts college will let you stop by and play with a dog or some play-dough if you tell them how TRIGGERED you are.

Where did you hear RNC was hacked? Check your sources - spoiler: it didn’t happen.

Just when I think Gawker can’t go any lower, you bring out this filth.

So let me get this straight, he broke no laws and merely exploited a tax loophole that every savvy businessman would. How is this a real moral outrage story for you virtue-signalling hipsters? God damn I can’t wait until Gawker network is completely shut down.

Someone should tell Mark Fields that you don’t get to make ground rules for the leader of the free world.

Cry me a river, cuck. You sound like a whiney loser from the “participation trophy” generation. Keep clutching your pearls and taking things out of context to fit your ideological narrative. Many of those articles are what real journalists would understand as “satire”...

Cool? Hopefully they finish it before the Clinton Cartel gets thrown in jail.


Weak career blogger/keyboard warriors at Gawker, who will never work for a legitamite publication are crying because their near-corpse candidate is losing.

“Reporter” says “wahhhh, I can’t believe someone who has different views than me is on TV!”

Delicious tears...

Boo hoo... My favorite candidate can’t not be perfect. Let me disparage people with views that oppose mine regardless of how accurate their statements may be.

Um, hate to say it... But that’s an eagle.

Has there ever been a more disgusting, worthless human than the talentless blob of feces named Lena Dunham? Hillary comes frighteningly close, but not quite. This is an honest question.