I’m sorry, I’m sure you love your memaw, and I’m sure she’s very nice in many ways, but f**k your memaw.
I’m sorry, I’m sure you love your memaw, and I’m sure she’s very nice in many ways, but f**k your memaw.
White feminism is troubled and problematic, bc often those who dwell within it are ignorant to or apathetic about the intersection of non-cis, white, heteronormative, middle class, educated, able-bodied feminism. It’s a feminism stuck in the 2nd wave, which was, ultimately racist. However, I think a lot of the…
yeah, I feel like the problem was less about white feminism and was more about the hashtag just not being very good and I read the article but I didn’t really get how “white feminism” really made that much of a difference
Yeah I saw the tweets. and, nah. It ain’t that deep. Posting a hot pic to an ironic hashtag then attributing a deep level of meaning to it post hoc is not “surviving” wtf.
I ll be the unpopular opinion here but is there some sort of magical twitter hashtag history book somewhere that one can go to and say “oh hey this was started by WOC to be awesome”. Because if not could we all get off “stupid white feminists” train?!
People in their 20s can be shallow and self-centered? Shocked, I’m shocked.
Silly you for not knowing that confusing hashtag was confusing.
I heard they’re giving the baby up for adoption.
What they don’t tell you is that they’re “hearing [this] exclusively” via Ouija board from a spirit that claims to be the departed Queen Mum but is actually all six Mitford sisters simultaneously, reunited in the afterlife by their common love of trolling.
Off topic slightly but I feel bad for the guy in this meme. Like he’s a real person with his face spread all over the internet and people commenting on his appearance and shit.. idk I just think a meme like this is mean because it’s hurtful to the person. He’s maybe used to it by now but doesn’t make it less hurtful.…
But why would you make a hashtag designed to be vague and stir controversy and then act confused when controversy is stirred?
If you create a hashtag like #FeministsAreUgly with as little context as “We just wanted to show off our cute”, you invite both the 4chan crowd and the ones trolling social media to tweet themselves into a righteous rage. Seeing them acting surprised now seems to be a little bit disingenuous to me.
Well, I guess trans doesn’t cancel out rich.
Rich transpeople still may not wanna pay their taxes.
I’m a hardcore knitter and that cowl is so bullshit. No one was knitting on huge needles in the eighteenth century. Period accurate would have been Shetland lace stockings, not that ridic cowl that looks like it came from Urban Outfitters.
Why the hate against Diva Cup users? I have zero problem with you choosing tampons or pads, but I don’t understand why my choice makes me gross. I don’t miss the panic of heavy flows and wondering if my super-size tampon plus pad would last through a 3-hour lecture in undergrad. Plus, it’s way cheaper, and I’m on a…
Wait, what? I’m all in favour of governments not legislating female bodies but what exactly do you think the government will do to your tampons? Make them too safe?
I don’t use a cup (I don’t use tampons either if I can help it), but I did switch to reusable pads a year ago and I honestly can’t believe the difference it’s made for me. I had to use a regular pad in an emergency last week and it was so uncomfortable, I don’t know how I did it for so long.
Wurlitzer rice kitten feast