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Will Michael Shannon play the human bro or the alien bro? Either way: SOLD.

Love that scene 'cause you can see Arnold randomly flexing his pecs and he looks RIGHT into the camera at least once.

Not only was there a neverending stack, they were each priced at like 99 cents, which seemed especially cruel. MONSTER is seriously underrated; when I caught REM on that tour, it was the first major stadium concert of my life, so I am biased but the guitar all over that thing just SMOKES.

HAYWIRE. The best.

Remy is somewhat endearing in that he sounds like the fat kid at the lunch table with ADHD who just can't stop once he's wound up. But if you've got a game on for some nice background noise and just want to look up from your book to catch the occasional action, he is IMPOSSIBLE to tune out.

ONE OF US! ONE OF US! Again, that gag pays off with a vengeance.

So glad to see this here. Say what you want about Reckless Kelly, but this scene has stuck with me for years and I laugh just thinking about it. Intensely ludicrous gag with a HUGE payoff.

Friends of my parents were visiting the city and got me a ticket to Kinky Boots as a surprise to tag along with them. I was stupidly reluctant to go because I thought I would hate it for some reason, and literally ended up with tears of joy by the end. Enjoy!

Soderbergh did direct portions of Pleasantville in a semi-uncredited capacity, since he and Gary Ross are Soder-bros. WHAT SAY YOU NOW?

So glad to see these takes here. I think a lot of people wrote this movie off without seeing it as "Shannon's gonna Shannon" or it's a typical doomsday movie, but this empathy is the whole heart of the film. I can't even think about it without getting chills.

It's absolutely a masterpiece. The genre expectations may skew people's view of it, but in the end it's really about marriage. Or even just faith in a relationship of any kind. Whether Shannon is crazy or not is irrelevant. What matters is will Chastain stay by him in either case? That's ultimate sacrifice and Shannon

Whoa. Just discovered there is a Shearwater cover of Natural One on Spotify.

Saw him at Newport and he said something about his dick wanting to do things that his body couldn't keep up with at his age…then said "anyways, here's a song about my mom." Amazing.

I'm in. I loved it, but the ending was obviously somewhat baffling. I mentioned on The Dissolve that it seemed like a triumphant suggestion of ancestry to me, but I could see other interpretations. Thoughts?

I get that Scott has a personal connection to him, but Horatio is just abysmal for the format. All of his "characters" have the same voice, and Scott repeatedly has to fill in the blanks for him during his ramblings. I saw him perform at UCB once and it was the same: he regularly deflated gags entirely just when they

Just did a Ctrl + F "dog" to find this. You are not alone. Terrible scene.

The only Die Hard sequel that should have ever happened is a retelling of the Nakatomi seize…from Argyle's vantage point. It could be a Locke-esque bottle movie with just him juggling various crises/fly honeys on the car phone.

I laughed at this every single time, and it made me look like a total lunatic while listening on the train. Even funnier that the ep made the Top 10, so when it came around I was like "here we go!"

The theatrical cut is better in every way (especially with the opening scene that just throws you into the nightclub scene as opposed to the bloated, MTV-esque boat race), which makes it even harder to defend to people since it can be difficult to find.

And in both cases, the fathers are better artists.