
wow, congrats for buying the story the rich tell you hook, line, and sinker. you’re a great example of why nearly half the united votes against their own self interests

Dark Cloud went through this 20 years ago.  The first one had a mechanic where you could repair, but if you forgot, it broke forever.  And with the leveling mechanic for weapons, you could have tons of time invested into a weapon’s development.  Dark Cloud 2 simply made it so you could break them, but then repair them

i mean the real answer is the Mondial. but they’re cheap for a gated shifter ferrari, so everyone has convinced themselves that it’s not that bad in the hopes one day they, too, can spend $35K on Bring a Trailer for one and pretend they’re not disappointed

i’m old enough to remember when Republican Scott Walker not only stripped money from the Wisconsin education budget to fund billions in credits to the Chinese company Foxconn in order to land a plant, but also gave them legal carve outs.

I bought the Collector’s edition of the PS3 game Stranglehold just so I could have a copy of Hard Boiled

my dad was a college professor so my childhood was full of tortured vocab lessons 

Reading the whole article then getting to the slushbox in the antepenultimate paragraph, confirming my fears from the earlier photo

i have, which is how I know that the entire east coast of southen florida is basically unpopulated 9-10 miles inland from the coast. a high speed rail combined with perhaps a light rail or some other public transportation into the heart of the major hubs would have made more sense. the goal of high speed rail should

i’m not sure what your point is. I’m not arguing that this should be going faster.  I’m saying it’s pathetic to have that many at-grade crossings on a modern rail line

174 at-grade crossings is INSANE! how many at-grade crossings does the TGV have in France? the united states desperately needs high speed rail, but they have to do it correctly. just look at the acela - between DC and NYC there are no at-grade crossings and it’s actually a useful high speed option. but once you start

just inject it into my veins

hah never knew they shared the same chassis!

every time one comes up in an article, I mention that the Flex is the perfect replacement for beetles in our new family game of “Punch Flex”

some former chrysler engineer is trying to figure out how to cram a weak SOHC V6 and slushbox auto in it

every single time this pops up i know I’m going to lose another 6:22 because it’s just too good not to watch

Alfa Romeo Spider.  Having a little more get up and go in those little things would be great.  There’s already a sizable space behind the seats to stash some batteries, and to be honest the trunk was probably double the size of what a roadster’s needs to be for a weekend getaway (I could fit two fully packed sea bags

oh yeah it would.  so would rail, if the trucking industry hadn’t managed to kill it off in the 80's

from Richmond VA to Savannah GA it sucks because it’s basically the same size as it was when it was built in the 1950s

The Mixing Bowl is soooooo much better than it used to be. I remember back when I was in college before they redesigned the entire thing, the only exit from the inner loop of 495 onto 95 south was a single right lane exit. now there are multiple exit lanes, including HOV exits, that have drastically reduced the