
anyway, it’s not like we’re going to turn off oil dependence overnight.  so either we start making gains at the margins or we don’t.

that’s a shame. we got a ‘22 Rubicon EcoDiesel back in Feb (thanks again, Tom) and love it. Even with a big rack (giggity) and cargo carrier on top for long road trips, we still managed to average 24mpg at 75-80mph driving on I95 this summer.

but hair ties are

there are none between DC and NYC.  it’s that stretch from NYC to Boston that’s hot garbage

like every other g wagon - fuggin fugly

exactly. you can’t call something an adaptation if the source material has absolutely nothing to do with the movie

i’m glad she did. when we had a miscarriage between our two children, we were traumatized. then we found out it happens all the time and nobody talks about it. the more we can normalize things like this happening, the less mental anguish people will go through in the future when it happens to them

for about 2/3rds the price of this, you can call up your local officer furniture reseller (think about all those offices offloading cubicle farm equipment as we move to remote and hybrid work) and buy a loaded used Herman Miller Aeron chair. It will look good, feel good, support you better, adjust more, and last a

dunno, but they do have a record of it hitting 203mph at a speedway

I haqven’t played many of the latest games, but I felt like Bad Company 2 was the last BF game that got just about everything right.

people watch restirctor plate racing.  doesn’t make it good.

this dovetails nicely with The Daily episode today bout CA going all electric by 2035.  they specifically addressed the issues with battery production and rare earth metals

they had guys riding bikes to grind two cups ago. there are no spinnakers. nearly every single race is decided at the start. and if it isn’t it’s decided by the boats going in completely opposite directions. there’s no covering. there’s no tactics. it’s all computers.

technology has ruined the america’s cup.  it’s no longer sailing 

to quote Mr Billy Joel: you may be wrong but you may be right

if I could give one piece of advice to homeowners, it’s buy a GE/Whirlpool/Maytag appliance.  Samsung/LG are absolute shit to maintain. whe bought our house with a samsung dishwasher. in order to clean the filter and sump, you had to remove something like 20 screws. in our new GE, it’s a twistout with your hand.  I’ll

if I could give one piece of advice to homeowners, it’s buy a GE/Whirlpool/Maytag appliance.  Samsung/LG are

you think that’s nuts?  we’re looking for a beach home and a total tear down came on the market for $500K last week.  it sold for $300K in December.  they did nothing to the property and are trying to make 40% in 9 months.

can i just get a mario run 2 please?

if miata is the answer for everyone looking for a fun, inexpensive sports car, then minivan is the answer for everyone looking for a family car.  every other platform is just lying to yourself.  one of us.  one of us...

booo. the skoda logo was great. now it’s just another font.