:D :D :D :D
So good. Much looking forward to exploring this world, through this medium, for the next two months…
the album is technically 14 songs with 6 interludes. the bonus disk is 4 songs and 2 interludes. It's more of a cohesive unit with segments then a couple dozen straightforward pop tracks.
they range from seconds to a couple of minutes. both albums, all 26 songs, are less than 70 minutes in length and would fit onto a single disk
musically, it's most like the s/t
thematically, it's most like demon days
guest artists, it's most like plastic beach
There really should be an entire religion around the concept of Ass Pennies.
I don't know if I have ever been this excited for a show.
Between this and season 3 of Twin Peaks, spring is going to be fantastic…
'Set Me Free' is such a high bar jam, it's not surprising Toybox is less engaging. Common problem for all pop stars after they pick their best offering as the first single.
I love this show. The animated bits really bring it all together and make it all so surreal that it would be hard to get mad at it for its lack of realism. Also, keeping this half to only 5 episodes makes everything more tight and together. That was a good move.
"Go with him"
Not sure if it was already posted in these comments, but Krusty the Clown was NOT based on Bozo. He was based on Rusty Nails from Portland Oregon (the same place Matt Groening grew up and named a bunch of characters off of streets).
I will genuinely miss this show. The first few episodes caught me by total surprise and it's been something to look forward to ever since.
I love Darhk. I hope he sticks around, in some form, on these shows forever. He's a delight in hamminess. Both him and Captain Cold. Although I'd like Captain Cold to rejoin the team. He was the best part about season one.
There's a fantastic 80s movie about BMX riding high school kids called "RAD" and Lori Loughlin is in it. Her BMX stump double is a dude with a clearly visible dark moustache. It's kind of awesome
I think I saw that same tour. Leonard Cohen was amazing.
Yeah, reading the book simply reinforced how much they were total pieces of shit.
but… The Dirt _was_ a fantastic book.
I guess I'll be moving onto Telegram full time now…
I bought that excuse for the first crossover between the four shows, but this one had the time to be done properly. It's really the marketing aspect that is frustrating.
Maybe it was already said in the comments, but this is the second time this season they included Supergirl in the promos for a multi-night crossover event and her show being essentially a prelude with just a tack-on at the end to tie it together.