
It’s Area Woman Thinks All Women Bring “Drama,” Loves Being “One of the Boys” writ large and twitter-y.

There’s one woman who tweeted that “if only men voted” red map and said she would gladly give up her right to vote if it meant that would happen.

Nah. They just hate all other women. They’re special, so they’re sure that misogynists who say horrible things about women are never talking about THEM, and that people who treat women horribly would never treat them that way. They’re like honorary men!

Repealing the 19th has been a refrain from Ann Coulter for at least 15 years now. Some women are deranged and gross.

I think KellyAnne Conway has snapped.

do those women hate themselves?? I have no idea.

Gross. Looks like there might even be a handful of women tweeting ‘repeal the 19th’ (and i assume they are not all Ann Coulter) - do those twits have any idea what ‘repeal the 19th’ even means?

Oh, come on. He didn’t say anything about this girl he wouldn’t say about his own daughter.

Pure liberal propaganda. Trump loves women. He has great respect for women. All of the women. Except the fat ones. But I’ll tell you women respect him right back. The best women respect him and none of the ugly ones. We’re going to defeat Isis and bring back women.

“It’s so weird...they seem like tiny people right now, but in ten years they’ll just be objects!”

Hey guys, I’m starting to think that this Trump guy might not respect women.

It’s where you went for reasonably priced handjobs.

In the 80's, it was a place that if you weren’t a street criminal, and you lived in the city, you walked very briskly and kept your eyes open. If you were a tourist and you acted like one, somebody was going to take advantage of you. The only question was how badly. Fondest memory of Dinkins New York: A guy hanging

It was the seediest place in the USA. Some will say Skid Row in LA others will suggest the Combat Zone in Boston, but nothing beats Times Square 1968-1993. Grindhouse movie theaters, Tad’s Steaks, no-name fast food joints and coffee shops, trinket shops and the most amazing, jaw-dropping peepshows. It was hard to

Daddy-chasing is a pretty big thing in the gay community right now

He’s been called a fucking fascist and they were like “no, people are being ridiculous”. I don’t think most people with common sense thought that we’d ever have such a divisive and unhinged candidate grab the primary. Republican leadership deserve his crazy since they’ve been for years stoking the fires of fear and

Brendan - You forget that Trump also boasted, actually on 9/11 hours after 3000 people died, of now owning the tallest building downtown. Which was not only disgusting, it was also a bold faced lie. Trump’s 40 Wall didn’t become the tallest 70 Pine did. Sickening.

Ooh I (partially) disagree with you there. Times Square is now a tourist hell-on-Earth but . . . Rudy took a lot of crime and drugs off the streets. Times Square was a lot shadier before he was Mayor. Now, at least I can choose to avoid Times Square for other reasons besides fear of being shot.

Ok, but is his health....TREMENDOUS?

I disagree, he (and they) know what they are doing. Their base does not care about facts (liberal media) so they can say literally whatever they want and their voters will believe it. Shit, they could probably say that Hillary did 9/11 and it would go over well.