I don't think you can make anything hollow, because the 3d printer lays down layers of dust and at some points applies glue, so you could make a "hollow" sphere, there will still be dust inside it.
I don't think you can make anything hollow, because the 3d printer lays down layers of dust and at some points applies glue, so you could make a "hollow" sphere, there will still be dust inside it.
Anything that doesn't change fase like water does will never cool as much as ice does.
Does anyone know of an alternative to Transmit that is free? I love how transmit let you directly edit files that are remote and I haven't found a real alternative to it yet.
Couldn't it be just a comet / asteroid? They can be (and often are) round and often strike at speed..
So that all the simple people won't even notice this isn't windows, otherwise they would be all like "Oh no, the top bar has a different color, this must be a virus" and then go on and smash their pc with a hammer.
Every tetra pack you own is probably a recycled tetra pack, they are very recyclable!
Thinness seems like a perfect thing for me to "waste" money on. The macbook air (11") fits in the same bag that I bought for the motorola xoom (which I bought for portability) and I am now seriously considering selling the xoom to buy a mba; about the same size / weight but a lot of more usability (keyboard and full…
Wow, someone has some sand stuck in his vagina..
Organic water is still bullshit though.
I think there is more to it then just saying that sunscreen does no good, wouldn't you think that the melanoma would have increased even further if no sunscreen was ever invented?
Komodo Edit is also a very capable editor, I have used for quite some time, mostly because of the excellent code-hints and scripting capabilities.
There is just so much win in this comment :)
I think the .02" limit is actually very good for the railgun, place bullet about 2 feet from magnet, turn it on for .02 seconds and let the bullet continue on it's path after it without being pulled back.
So you actually completely agree with the other post? Why should he be mad?
Nothing is send to the third party, like it says on the site: all encryption is done in the browser.
No, I never caught my bittorrent client downloading powerpuff girls episodes..
VOTE: rTorrent
And that it doesn't require a proxy server and does not reduce image quality.
I made a floating compass myself with sugru this weekend. It uses styrofoam bubbles to increase floatiness and has a embedded magnet (3mm sphere) to orient. Looks great and works like a charm
A long continuous drone will melt your brain probably.