
One of the things I tend to use most is just "cd" this goes to the home dir just like "cd ~" but it is a bit shorter :)

@CamJN: Even though it is not exactly the same, Visor offers a quake like dropdown terminal, I use it all the time and is amazingly awesome!

@\m/ chaosphere \m/: I don't think so, I think Android is far more suited for a tablet then iOS (ever was or will be). True multitasking and applications that have the same possibilities as native apps provide a better computing experience.

This might be the post with the most swearing in the comments in the history of Gizmodo.

@OCEntertainment: Most of the time, friends have a harder time with actually asker for and receiving the money they you'll have with lending it.

@CarterF: Yep, never had a single dropped call in my life. Could be because I live in the Netherlands :).

I wish it was this easy on Android.

@The K Gee19: Good point, flats are one of the few problems that actually forces you to stop cycling.

@NorthernRoamer: No need for sarcasm, makes you sound like a schmuck.

@socket7: Cold hand and feet are consequences of a low core temperature, if your core is comfortably warm, your hands will receive more warm blood and remain warm.

@ddhboy: Redundant IF you have a trackpad, awesome if you don't!

@Gemini-Phoenix: You should put both in your PC. A 64gb SSD for your OS and your most used programs.

@sirmeili: You can forward them to your gmail, not a perfect solution, but it's better then using mail.apk :D

I never understood why anyone would use anything other then the default Gmail app.

I prefer the web based mobile version of google reader over all of these.

If they bring this to any bar near where I live that will be the only place I will ever pee again.

@jiveabillion: Interesting comment, on the one hand you have the death and destruction of war, which would slow down technological evolution.

You would think that if you are writing the articles anyway (for paper publishing) they can be published on the website without a lot of extra costs, those costs should (and can) be covered by advertisements.

@Glaiel-Gamer: Yeah, I did something similar (not my last name, but a simple 4 letter combination) and registered for a google apps account.