Gnometorious B.I.G.

I was a bit worried when I found out Pfister wasn't shooting Interstellar, since I'm one of the biggest Nolan fans in the world and I fear change. But when Van Hoytema was hired, I realized that I won't miss Pfister at all. It probably will have a different feel, since Hoytema makes everything beautiful and perfect.

See, this is why we don't let Stan pitch when he's high.

Hey Batman, knock knock.
Who's there?
Not your parents!
(Also works for Harry Potter, Spider-man, that a-hole brat Timmy from the second grade…)

Are we sure the 'No Jokes' policy is about the movies? What if he was just talking about his name?

Wait, is this also how the news of Scott directing The Martian is breaking? This is kind of a big deal, isn't it?

To be honest, South Dakota doesn't cross many people's mind.

But he's not Judge Judy and executioner!

Jungle Book Genisys.

It's probably also because all the best episodes from the last season of Doctor Who were neat at best.

I've still only seen it the once, but apart from the way they awkwardly wrote in Dawn, it's one of my favorite seasons.

Hey! Agree on something!

I enjoyed season 7 more than season 6. I will release my public apology for this offensive statement after the weekend.

I think if they started out with keeping the Trio in the background and keeping the focus on Willow's story I would have been able to appreciate it more.

I kind of liked the first song, does that count for anything?

I got uninterested in him when Buffy started liking him. It was great when he fell in love with her, but then she decides he's pretty neat all of a sudden, everything just kind of got dumb.

Am I the only one who didn't like Once More With Feeling? I just can't stomach musical episodes.

Because it would have been out of character if Bob did.

Still better than season 6 of Buffy.

"Pretty neat but you still own your rent, Internet."

Community can be shot on film….
*pees pants, runs away and cries in a corner, discovers the music of Avenge Sevenfold to relate to*