Gnome DeGuerre

That's the same excuse republicans are using to dismantle the government!

Imma plant a red fern for ya, DJ Jazzy Jeff Mangum..

It's 11 central somewhere, amiright?!

I saw the best upvotes of my generation converted by Kinja.. Starving, hysterical, naked, dragging themselves through the AV Club threads at dawn, looking for an angry reply.

Car hole.

Like a human being.

"We're losing our heritage!" - 3rd generation millionaire/New Yorker.

Short answer, yes with an if.. Long answer, no with a but..

They really should have been, damnit!

I can see why he is an old friend you had. What a putz.

Give it a rest, shitbag.

Actors have gigantic heads. ALL OF THEM!

You can't buy publicity like that! Thousands and thousands of people saw Kinja injuring one of the few good internet communities left.

I'm sure he doesn't consider himself a white supremacist, while also considering white people to be better than other races. He a fuckwit.

The autopsy cited pneumonia, anemia, and an accidental mix of prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Her husband also had several prescription drugs in his system at the time of his death.. but yes. All legally prescribed medications. That's very, very far from self-destructive hedonism.

Yesterday a friend of mine said, "We need a youth movement in politics." It was my sad duty to inform him the nazis got there first..

And many on the right called President Obama a fascist and dictator, a lot of them didn't think he was going to step down after the election.. So when the right actually does veer towards fascism, they can point out how all of that talk isn't true and it's just the snowflake left crying about all the winning.

I was 12 when it first came on and didn't get a lot of it. Didn't stop me from quoting it.