Gnome DeGuerre

Yeah, decency is for cucks!

That's so ravencist!

He is a purple monkey dishwasher, many people are saying it.


Well.. yeah… It's Friday..

It doesn't automatically mean it's not shit just because it's a Monet or Picasso. This Al Jean-era is admitted by almost everyone to be a marked decline in quality and substance. I don't take joy in pointing it out. I want it to be a masterpiece again, or at least get a chance. Rooting for a show isn't going to make

I smash cut to being hungover after about 1/2 of a bottle anyway.

The point being that it's nowhere near as good as it used to be even in it's decline, but oh well, they still make it and it has the same characters? Urr Durr.

I think a smash cut to is the only way I could live through 8 years of this..

He's a star! And when you're a star, they let you do it.

So many questions.. First and foremost, why the fuck did I click that link in the first place?

Well, if you're not naked and jacking it in San Diego, don't say he didn't warn you.

He'll launch his own twitter, with russian hookers, and blackjack!

I wasn't defending this article..

It's the best argument they could make for wanting to marry a 12 year old.

Benny Goodman doesn't even have 100 albums, and was the first white big band musician to integrate his stage show. Baldwin writing in haiku isn't appropriation, and you'd be hard pressed to find someone claiming it was.. Which brings me to Olivier, who didn't see it as "blackface" because it wasn't a lampooning of


Chevy Chase will kick you for $75 and a bottle of scotch.

Overnight Celebrity with it is pretty great.

flat circle and such