Gnome DeGuerre

The plural form of Pokemon is Pokemon..

Popo popped Dookie down by the vacants.

Sure, its starts as shart-order cook, but then they give you a bunch of dooties!

Shit, I forgot gerrymandering!

It's when you start talking like Chuck Mangione and it feels so good.

I mean solely Gears 2, possibly also Pac-Man.

Had he only played Gears 2? That's the only way that makes any sense..

She sounds hot?

She's not on record holding any political position.

Don't be silly, everyone knows that there are only two 3rd parties!

"Sure, it's worth little now, but no one can predict the future! It's primed to sure in value!"

Anything that keeps Toby Huss on my television a little longer is a good thing.

He sounds kinda cool..


As we all know Xanderpuss is a nonvoting felon, but why won't yours count? Is it rigged? Hanging chads? Saucer people? General apathy?

She appealed to his vanity. Sure, it was stupid, but they were consenting adults, she even said it was her who initiated it. Even if you think Bill was "a skeevy old perv!" you have to , or at least should, admit that it was a 2 way relationship.

Yeah, she clearly had no power in that freely consented relationship..

"We know Bill did bad things to women" is unequivocally false. You feel he did bad things to women. You believe he did bad things to women.

Now that we know he's a full on megalomaniac we should focus on getting him help, mental disorders are no laughing matter.. unless its PseudoBulbar Affect.

Ben, you're always running here and there
You feel you're not wanted anywhere
If you ever look behind
And don't like what you find
There's something you should know
Most people think you're insane