Gnome DeGuerre

That is a B-

This movie needs a little something for daddy..

Trump is too close to Tony Clifton's persona..

That explains the rough draft called Mammy Kampf..

Jonny Greenwood's Leinenkugel's shirt makes me happy..


Nice username comment synergy! Hormel bacon is made of catmen, right?

It all takes place during episodes of Ice Road Alaskan Mountain Cops: Bigger and Shit.

The Craft Services budget is higher than the marketing.. I like these guys.

I've been voting Pert ever since Prell switched from the glass bottle.

TIM ALLEN!?! I thought he died in a grease fire?

I have total faith he'd make that funny, though..

Replace "jokes about" with "references to" and you're hired!

I drink most things with a bourbon back, so I wouldn't have noticed..

Does whiskey count as beer?

Too bad he got his name from the XFL Nickname Generator..

Ginger Beer: the alcoholic's Pumpkin Spice.

Aw, it's not for you… It's more a Shelbyville idea.

I thought Glenn Beck cornered the new market on lying to idiots and presenting it as fact?

He's going to start selling white power flags on eBay!?