Gnome DeGuerre

One time a thing occurred to me, what's real and what's for sale? #VoteHoney

Bright lights & vasoline…

Yeah, now he's a libertarian! #LetThatGuyDoStuffOrSomething

That's because you're so smoooooth.

He specifically stated his race with an insult (lazy Irish). But surely the hue of their skin being similar means it's not at all racist..

So he's just playing a racist, old, entitled knob named Jeremy Clarkson, from Doncaster and currently residing in Chipping Norton with his wife, 3 children, and girlfriend?

Dear God, why?!?

I hope he PEGOTs, he is pretty great.. Lin-Manuel is cool too.

I'm more of a Daffy Mal Yinkleyankle man as well..

Tossel The Vote!

That's the most succinct way to explain these low/no-information voters that I've yet seen.

I've always liked Pop.. But I was a kid when it came out, and I don't know how much bearing that has on it.

This brings the total of people actually doing this to: 1

Wet-on-wet, all day, every day..

He has always seemed like a good guy. 87 years old, famous for 60 of them, and the only controversy around him was a call made in the 1958 Masters.

I'm sure he's had an open faced club, sand wedge.

It only counts if you do it on the curb of a golf course!

Supper Club will be covering it.
