Gnome DeGuerre

I'm 31, consider myself a 90s kid (at least much more than an 80s kid, considering I have no memory of any use from before 1988) and really enjoy making references to very popular things from before 1997 my "90's Kid!" cousin, who is 24, doesn't get.

I've seen a lot of "90's kids" that say they are because they're dumb, and think watching Catdog is enough to count.

He makes computers now.. Well, not "now", in the 80's.. but yeah..

If it doesn't have a full recreation of Wellsville, why do it in Jersey, and why should I care?

But Lyin Ass Bitch woulda been perfect, again.

He was on Zucker's christmas card list?

That fictional character was Jonah Hill though, and the comedic scene was him being raped…

Back in Brooklyn we got a sayin', "We're walkin' here!"…

For that to happen Chet would have to have the wherewithal to own a business, or at least the cache to have someone want him around.

Too soon.

I believe "spank the girlfriend" is FL code for self-administered prostate milking.

They prefer to be called "sons of the sea"

Our country is also most of a continent, and people hate paying their taxes.

It was supposed to have, twice I think, but they got double what they were asking for on IndieGogo.. So, ya know, Rob Lowe.

Hahaha, wow! He really does have small hands!

You're being punished for your heady days of freewheeling excess.

Theres still a little room left in the warehouse next to those boxes of "Hanging Chad Lowe" shirts.

It's not the only thing I do… But sure, like most gnomes of war, I've disintegrated a few..