Gnome DeGuerre

"Word hole"

I like to think of it as shaming, more palatable.

He is a white American, it's almost a guarantee over a long enough timeline..

I miss The Soup..

I hope when I do something to completely fuck my media empire I too can blame "the campaign being mounted against it" for whatever I did to make it toxic.

That's going to put all the hard working cathode ray people out of business!

As someone who likes what I've heard of this band and some Audioslave, I agree with you for the most part. "[D]eeply myopic" seems a bit hyperbolic, but the rest is spot on. Enjoy this upvote, you've earned it!

Radio kinda made "being old enough to remember them" irrelevant. The internet totally did.

Legitimate Nintendo Track & Field. 1v1, playing it on an NES, and none of that punching bullshit. If there are still good pads out there it seems like it would be easy enough to add by the end of these games.…

Strange Brew Canadian is Kevin Smith Canadian!!

He looks nothing like Albert Brooks!! Can he even do Hank Scorpio's voice?!

Ooo-eee-ooo, I also like Lauren Holly. Oh, Oh, and Mary Tyler Moore..

Low-Information voters. They're happy enough not looking into anything they've been told, and the GOP has been, more or less, just lying for 25+ years now.

Awful lot of honkeys, eh?

"Hello, I'm some kind of fucking robot!"

Space Uno!

Han: Listen to you! You sound like a businessman, a responsible leader. Who'd have thought that, huh?

It's a fine movie, if you're into that kind of thing..

I just hope some street toughs don't string your new pedal over the telephone line.