
Run to the Hills......said The Prisoner. Hallowed be thy Name-Evangelicals

Original strength Carrot Top or anabolic strength Carrot Top?

Here he is, ladies and gentlemen: That Guy.

Are you serious? They are on the highway and those trucks have speed limiters.

You’re a fucking idiot. It’s 100% on the car.

Jack, why doesn’t Splinter have a White House press reporter to grill Huck-abilly?

I do wine sales in Augusta during Masters Week, and I really hope this guy shows up so I can tell him how poorly his wine sells.

Where is the downvote option?


Those who happen to encounter Skip Bayless in the flesh have a much different reaction:


Working for a living?

Bible Thumper.

Fuck this beetle

“Prius - now, now hear me out...”

That’s a lot of Ks for someone who pitches to contact

Wow. Jokes aside, this is absolutely fucking insane.

So, this is like Nissan’s version of Clippy?

Even Lillard was shocked at the shitty defense.
