Get a chimney for your coals. It’s super quick. If I’m just turning a knob, I might as well use the stove.
Get a chimney for your coals. It’s super quick. If I’m just turning a knob, I might as well use the stove.
I’d pick the Zombies, but since my parents are fans, and a good deal of the other fans are the same age as the band (late 60s/early 70s), I guess there won’t be a lot of procreating going on. Then again, fuck kids--I was one once, and I was terrible! Who wants that?
Hot take: grilling with a propane grill is just like cooking something in the oven, only outside. Use charcoal, Hank Hill. You usually don’t run-out half way through.
I’m pretty sure he died of cancer. There was a whole movie about it- Ryan’s Vogelsong.
Let me guess, you’re a Cardinals fan?
As a Chicago native, please believe that I’ve forever wished that Chicago could break away and form it’s own state. All the red counties outside of Cook can go to fucking hell. And the next time someone from Schaumburg or Crystal Lake tells me they’re from Chicago I’m gong to stab them in the eye.
HAHAHAHA Park Forest. It’s one of the suburbs furthest from Chicago that, like the rest of the southern suburbs, is an economically poor, business-less wasteland, full of cheap land, old, decrepit businesses that have been gone for decades, and a place where there is absolutely nothing to do.
The P.T cruiser. That thing needs to be banned from the road
That’s the bat flip of slides
I haven’t even finished reading this and I’m so angry I’m shaking. That “pig’s blood” shit is offensive, it is inciting, it is fucking dangerous. When my now-ex was in Afghanistan this shit started going around, and it terrified me. Why why WHY would you give our enemies (and potential enemies) that kind of propaganda…
The best coverage of this weekend’s activities was given on last night’s Vice News on HBO. It should be seen by - and is available to - everyone. After watching this 23 minute, subjective hour by hour report, no one can justify a single word or sentiment Trump said. Every word he utters is a lie - including “the” and…
AGAIN: This should not be a serious surprise to anyone. They knew exactly what they were voting for and getting:
Listen, you unamerican scumbag, I won’t let you sully this here comment section with that kind of drivel!
I understand that after a morning filled with more Mayweather/McGregor shit, a sports cat, and fucking Nazis you were happy to just be able to write about some dude getting hit in the neck. I get it, and I’m not trying to judge.
Hi, long-time listener, first-time caller. There is no quarterback controversy because da Bears have a quarterback, and his name is Mick Trabinksi. I haven’t seen a guy trow like dat since McCown was QB—and we woulda won a Super Bowl if he had stayed on the team, but dat’s anudder story. You can’t have what’s-his-name…
Can’t send Eric or Don cause they’d shoot that elephant.
Melania Trump has thoughts...
Cumin on breasts is wonderful.
Cumin is definitely better than not cumin, but sometimes people fake it.