
I’d be outraged if I was working my 9 to 5 and still have to be subjected to the soulless rictus of a youtube influencer


slurp his dong harder

It looks like shit

The best reply to this has always been: “Nobody cares how good you are at video games.

It’s the system this shit keeps happening in so I don’t see why we can’t

Are you saying they should let the dead rest?

I would rather see a dozen more killmonger dread dos than another single generic protagonist crewcut

The fact that it ran the whole scene, including the setup, seems to betray a lack of confidence in itself as a product

We could do that if the movie itself wasn’t making the comparisons. Everything about the trailer, with its action shots set to a classic pop track screams “Remember the Guardians films? We’re just as fun as those were, promise!”

 More like Guardians Of The Ass-End Of The Galaxy

And how well did it go for the guy in the gif

I can only hope Cloud’s interactions with Dio are as smouldering as they were with Andrea and boy that screenshot is promising

Weird that this has the reputation of Pokemon With Guns when it starts out as Pokemon With Survival Meters And Crafting Mechanics that has you punching trees and rocks to get your first club before you can even think about getting your first pokemon, all the elements of a game that is guaranteed to not hold my

No, you’re just being a shithead for free, leaving money on the table

And yet they look totally comfortable and confident and nobody else is making a thing about it

“Resort to name calling”

Or Fallout fans who think Caesar’s Legion is a sustainable society

Keep up with that, we’re all very proud of you, boy

the biggest tell is them trying to have us believe they ever cared about Morph.