I am a word nerd. I frequently get hung up on technically correct v. “accurate enough”.
I am a word nerd. I frequently get hung up on technically correct v. “accurate enough”.
The existence of Toxic Masculinity implies that there is also Oops I Did It Again Mascuilinity, ... Baby One More Time Masculinity and Work Bitch Masculinity.
In theory, this is very very cool. In practice... I’m the weirdo who liked the earlier iterations of the game, which were more focused and just sort of aimlessly bopping about the the galaxy. I’ve tried to get back into it a couple times since then, and each time, there’s more and more focus on the various crafting or…
Look, you might be just fine licking boots in your industry, and more power to you. The rest of us understand that “everyone does it this way” is not an excuse for anyone doing it this way. “It’s bad everywhere, so we should just give up trying to make it better anywhere,” is a cowardly, lazy outlook.
“Do you plan on including the fact that other TACC systems fail to recognize emergency vehicles consistently?”
Well, if it got onto the front page of Reddit, it’d get killed pretty quickly by disabling one of the key components to the exploit, Valve almost certainly monitors that (and other locations) pretty heavily for... exactly this sort of reason.
Just admit mate, you’re too fucking weak to actually follow through on your supposed outrage and clearly don’t give that much of a fuck
Sure. So? No one is saying there’s something they should be posting, just noting the no-win situation they’ve put themselves in and how this has ground their vast advertising mill to a halt.
As with most internet discussions, there’s an issue of hyperbole here, and to fairly respond would take more time and text than others would invest in reading.
BUT put as short as possible:
I understand where you’re coming from, but you chose the wrong instance of this to plant your flag in the ground.
The larger…
Exactly. Company offers perk to those who have a paid subscription for perks. How dare they?
What's the problem here? They didn't have stock available for everyone, so they chose a method that rewarded their customers and probably also cut down on scalping. They probably got more consoles in the hands of gamers who actually wanted them than went to people who just want to flip them.
This smacks of critical gender theory and I won’t have you teaching this to first graders, dammit!
Microsoft is taking things away from end users that are used to having access to those things
Shroud and Ninja didn’t pull the same numbers at Mixer and they’re two of the biggest streamers ever. And Mixer wasn’t even a shitty social media platform crawling with boomers and racist uncles that’s largely irrelevant for anyone who would be a streamer’s audience. And the deal is only for 1.5 years. You’d have draw…
Here’s a great and easily approachable video that really explains the statistics of the debacle:
“At that age [19], teenagers are mature enough to know what they’re being part of.”
Dude has every reason in the world to hate his family, the monarchy, and the press. They got his mom killed. Count ourselves lucky he didn’t try to become Batman (I would read the crap out of that alternate reality comic).
Saying that a gag is played out is *checks notes* played out.
Looking forward to all the fanboys pointing to Jalopnik’s coverage of this crash as evidence the site is hopelessly biased against Grumman.
Man, the bank REALLY doesn’t wanna give Falcon a loan.