It may no longer be relevant, but I thought the big twist in the Unity saga was the “It’s not the developer that has to pay the Runtime Fee, it’s the distributor.”
It may no longer be relevant, but I thought the big twist in the Unity saga was the “It’s not the developer that has to pay the Runtime Fee, it’s the distributor.”
I wasn’t arguing that it was a realistic scene. I was observing that the ammunition capacity (as shown on screen, the thing is fired for 45 seconds straight by Mac after Cooper dies) is just as big a realism problem as the lack of battery power.
He was carrying 150 lbs of ammunition. Why couldn’t he also be carrying 75 lbs of 24 volt batteries?
Didn’t Fisker actually ship a few thousand Karmas before going under? Why are they on this list?
I really don’t get the controversy here. The point of the strike isn’t to stop making movies to make a point, it’s to get the working terms and conditions you want.
Can it tell me what the PARTY CAT button does?
You may be thinking of a story Harlan Ellison has told about being fired from Disney on his first day because he described a porn Disney film parody (and did the voices for it) in the lunchroom.
It has the longest porch in the world.
Oooh, that’s a good one. My theory is that he gets teased for all of Act I without appearing, finally shows up at the beginning of Act II and is comically and brutally murdered 10 seconds later, and is never mentioned again the rest of the movie.
The best guess is near the seabed level in the area (~4000 meters) but not at it. Perhaps 3500.
Too heavy and it becomes impractical to maneuver out of the water. You need a bigger boat and crane to launch it, a bigger truck to move it around on land, and so on. It’s possible that an all-steel (or more likely, all-titanium) design of this size couldn’t be handled by the class of tender surface vessels that the…
They knew exactly what they were saying.
It’s weirder than that (but not better). They found the bomb, but it hit so hard and broke up on impact that they just decided to leave the more deeply buried pieces in the field, since digging them up would have been too hard.
I’ve never seen this speech before. I’ve just read it. And I have no idea what particular cause Mr. America is talking about here. Is he talking about some sort of Civil War superhero registration? Mutant rights? Whether it is moral to go back in time and kill baby Hitler? I don’t know and I can’t tell. Maybe…
The legalities of the situation are fascinating, particularly to commercial drone operators.
Don’t look at the scores of movie critics. Read the review. If you know *why* a particular review liked or didn’t like a movie, you can usually figure out whether or not you would, no matter whether or not you agree.
The Ferengi were an alien race on Star Trek: The Next Generation. When first introduced, they were shown to have a strongly patriarchal society where women were property, and their pattern of speech was to refer to “females” with strong derision and scorn. Later depictions changed and expanded this somewhat, but it…
Despite the photo in the article and some of the confusing wording, this isn’t a private jet. It is a regional/commuter airline operating as a charter service with an all first class cabin layout.
Just two results over and they could have wound up with the Warhammer 40K inquisition symbol instead.
Would furries but for trees be barkies?