If we get Inquisitors flying with helicopter lightsabers, I’m turning it off.
If we get Inquisitors flying with helicopter lightsabers, I’m turning it off.
Brink was my introduction to the “Splash Damage” type. I liked it a lot, but, on console at least, it had networking issues and lost its playerbase before they were ever fixed.
One of the complaints about the end of the incandescent light bulb is that there are a few applications in which the waste heat is not in fact wasted, but used in a specific application, like to warm a reptile enclosure or a lava lamp.
It’s worth pointing out that this game is the beginning of a long chain of titles where Splash Damage iterated on the same concept of asymmetric objective class based FPS games. If memory serves, Enemy Territory was directly ported to Quake, then many of the concepts appeared again in Brink with Parkour added, then…
Presumably, the accident disrupts their attempts to get Alejandro, the friend who passed out on the beach, to the hospital, and he dies, in addition to any occupant of the other car.
For the first two thirds of this, I was convinced it was a parody post.
Have you ever played Manual Samuel? That concept is part of the core game mechanics. (You have to breathe, blink, and do everything else manually)
That is a fascinating critique (in the first linked article, I don’t actually see a video) but I came away with the opposite view.
Only one person can claim the $10,000 from someone who violates the law per act that violates the law. That is in there.
I think I understand why that is the minimum risk maneuver, according to those regulations.
Are we just not counting Stargate any more? It’s Roland Emmerich’s best film, and better than anything Michael Bay has made.
Relevant to the larger discussion of rap covers, there is this excellent video.
The story is that there was a miscommunication at his label, and they approved it thinking he was OK but he didn’t actually know about it, or possibly he approved it but didn’t remember/realize the implications.
Don’t forget Boomers, who watched him in Roots.
My memory of the original pitch for Fortnite was “build bases (forts) during the day to defend your group against zombies and monsters at night.”
It is possible that, absent public health orders forcing the cancellation of the event, they are on the hook for the booking costs whether the event goes forward or not. Faced with the prospect of eating those costs and dying vs doing the best they can is a tougher choice.
It’s TV, not a movie, but I finally sat down to watch Counterpart a few months ago, only knowing the very basics of its parallel universes premise.
But Ryan Reynolds is so ... good ... at playing Ryan Reynolds.
What happened?
That sounds like a great idea for a movie ... but I bet that’s not the movie that got made.