
AMD retired the FirePro line in favor of Radeon Pro cards a while ago, and the new 16 inch MacBook Pro has a Radeon Pro card in it.

So, the most amusing thing about this video to me is that Google, through a combination of autotranscribing Japanese and autotranslating it to English, renders the key line (when he’s presumably saying ‘draw the eyes far apart’) as ‘every year here is the most important thing about the woman’

I was out for a walk a few days ago, alone and keeping my distance from others, in a state with a fairly strong stay-at-home order, when a truck driver asked me for directions.

Yes, more or less.  They only go through two cycles of memory, though, the one about the secret agent on mars and another one where he saves the world from aliens singlehandedly.

Knights of the Old Republic had this problem.  Once you opened a door on the map, it stayed open forever.  There was no door-closing.

HoL is fun to read, but really quite terrible to play. It turns out, an RPG system written in late-night drunken stream of consciousness at IHOP doesn’t actually work very well.

So, there’s an obvious answer here, which contains spoilers (for a 30 year old movie, admittedly)

I’ve been almost sort of kind of about to buy a new car for six months. My current vehicle is just fine (2013 Impreza with 50k) but I want modern safety and convenience features like adaptive cruise control and blindspot warning/crash mitigation.

What a terrible audio mix for the trailer. All the voices sounded like they were badly done ADR in an empty, echoing room.

Can I make a request?

The nickname that I am sad never caught one for the One X was the “wunx”, pronounced “wunks”.

On the one hand, I’m impressed. They reworked the character in such a way as to make him pretty naturally likable. I’d say the best recommendation for the rework was that, looking at the new trailer alone, I thought “This wasn’t so bad. How much did they change, really?” Until I went back and looked at the old version.

Doublesix dice, which I backed, fell into this trap.  They massively outperformed their expectations, struggled mightily with Chinese production, and shipped over a year late.  The final dice are meh quality, but I did get them eventually.

Those were to cover the kill messages, which have player names in them.  But yes, it was weird.  

As comedy goes, it wasn’t bad.

My boss got got by this scam or a close relative. A few details of his experience that I can contribute:

Oh, I think Receiver is pretty cool.  Well worth the $5 I spent on it.  And apparently, they did a major update to it last month?  I have to check it out again.

In the minimalist gun-handling game Receiver, you are responsible for single loading every loose round into your magazine before you can use them.  Is that realistic enough for you?

I’m not usually very good at these, but this one feels like most of the contributors missed the mark. A 1975 Rolls Royce Silver shadow is not a reliable daily driver with good snow handling and suitability for car seats.

I don’t know whether most months have 30 or 31 days. There’s a mnenoic, “thirty days has September, April, May and December” but it sounds right to me with any number of different months in it (for example, I’m quite sure that version is wrong). There’s also a thing with knuckles, but I never remember how it works.