
He actually resigned several weeks ago, but he didn’t think he had to report it to the school.

More power to the heat shields Mr. Scott!

I could really see Gruden splitting the vote and letting Gruden walk away with it, when we all know that it should really go to Gruden or Gruden,

I know Gruden is bad, but to lump him with Gruden, Gruden, Gruden, Gruden, and Gruden?  That seems harsh.

I’d appreciate if you could update the poll to reflect the appropriate RGB color code for each Jon Gruden.

Watching this live, the thing I found most entertaining was that Moncrief and Wallace continued to fight over the ball for what felt like five minutes, even after the melee broke out. It all felt very surreal, but maybe especially that aspect. 

Looks like Faulk has stayed in great shape. A&M staffer looks like he was headed to Dave and Busters after the game. 

If anyone deserved to get punched after that game, it was that referee who made that bogus PI call on the 7th OT two point conversation and then threw his hat for good measure (and a second penalty) after giving Williams one of the most condescending looks I’ve ever seen in response to his rightful protests. TBH, the

I feel like Mark Davis could decide to have his nose removed and no one would notice for weeks.

“You don’t want to risk potential millions of dollars in future earnings by playing on a bum leg in a mid-November game against Tulane?  Then you don’t get to be warm!  Now excuse me while I abandon this team to chase millions of dollars in the NFL.”

This story uncovers two things everyone already knows: NOTHING can stop a Toyota truck and nurses are bad-ass and save lives. Still, it’s cool as hell.

More shout out to that bulldozer driver needed. Would love to get a detailed story on that bamf.

Tire tread pattern looks like BF Goodrich All Terrains. This is why you spend the extra $$ for the “good” tires, although I’ve also had great luck with General Grabber AT2's.

The thing about Mike Francesa is that he will say the same thing at least 15 times in a single segment. In a single segment, that is, he will say the same thing 15 times. 15 times. The same thing. 15 times. That’s really the thing. Saying the thing. 15 times. He says it. 15 times. Really, just listen to him. If you

BALK. Runner advances.

Nathan Peterman will still get signed by an NFL team before Colin Kaepernick, and millions of fuck heads will argue that it’s because he’s a more traditional, pro-style pocket passer than Kap was, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

I actually forgot that he played for the Nuggets.

Buddy you can do whatever you want. Tee it up, knock it down. You do you.

They would've had to include Fultz, aka the pig who built his house from bricks.