
How is that supposed to happen? The supply lines that supported B-1 production has been shut down for over a decade.

His ex, Janet, and those alimony payments think otherwise!

Doing drills are one thing, actually pulling off those dribbles and scoring against NBA defenses is another thing entirely.

That pole was concealed!

Circa 1991, Colorado Springs. I was trying to get to S. Korea from Colorado Springs and was traveling while having the flu. A heavy snowstorm hit while i was at the airport and our flight to Denver took off and landed in Denver in just enough time for the airport to be closed because of the storm. United airlines

I wish that one of those orcas would have jumped out of the tank and landed on your family that way your story might have been a bit more interesting.

Mine was on top of a cargo stack in a C-17 enroute to a Middle Eastern vacation spot. It was cold in the back but I wrapped a couple of blankets and my jacket around me and slept like a baby for 4 hours. I woke up extremely disoriented and woozy but it was a damn good nap.

Union rules bro, you gotta fight any and all suspensions.

—nay, it’s essential to remember—that money can’t buy anyone true happiness. Take it from somebody with a full hard drive and shelves cluttered with physical media he totally thought he needed. This is the most important piece of advice that can be given during and after a divorce. I know that I have fallen into this

He was knocked out on an incredibly Bengalesque play.

The referees do know that they are allowed to eject players, right?

Maybe the massive forehead caused the neck problems?

In which universe is Blaine Gabbert the best qb on the 49ers roster? They had Kapernick, who is more than a serviceable qb when offered valid NFL coaching. Him being a favourite player of Harbaugh and a bad year put him on the chopping block.

Why didn’t someone throat punch that assclown?

You should not self floss and do shit like give yourself a nickname that you stole from a Quentin Tarantino movie

I have a buddy who learned this the hard way after someone stole all of his peanut butter and bread when he fell asleep.

I got through maybe 6 episodes and got tired of Jessica and Luke. In my book she’s pretty unlikeable and the entire story arc was taking too long to complete. Those twins though, whew, they were on a whole other level and I felt really bad for the brother.

until tedium sets in, and then you have to drive through some fucking endless state like Nebraska. I think that you mean that endless hellhole called Kansas!

A co-worker invited a lot of people over to his house for a potluck Christmas dinner, which was supposed to start at around 6 pm. Everyone started arriving at around 5:30 and some drinks were served but no appetitizers or food was put out by the hosts. His explanation for this was that he was waiting for a particular

Fugees FTMFW.......not the original song but definitely the one that I got laid too on a beach in Turkiye!