
Only Shazam, Calendar and few Xbox Live games.

And did you really try to understand how metro works? Or you just said - fuck it, installed some outside program and now get mad all the time when you see someone liking the thing you couldn't understand?

So... it's okay now to show the pics you weren't allowed to show us long time ago?

Noticed some commas too.

Now playing

Or maybe something like this, but smaller? :D

Posters are like actors. A representation. None complains - I've seen this actor many times already, why he didn't give chance to another guy to bring in the fresh breeze. If it ain't broke - don't fix it.

FOMO - wow, that's something. What's next? Or should I say - Wow, TS. WN?

Why Soviet Russia instead of just Russia?

Agree on Trans-Siberian Orchestra. «Christmas Eve/Sarejevo 12/24» and «Wizards in Winter» should be in every Christmas playlist.

Yeah, who'll crash more? Grosjean or Maldonado?

Now playing

Agree, last years Webber pass was pretty awesome also.

Īstenībā izskatās tik nepierasti/dīvaini redzēt sarunvalodas vārdus kā vārdus - ar visiem locījumiem... Latviešu valodā vispār ir kāds vārds, kur ir burtu salikums «gūg»? Uz doto mirkli nevaru iedomāties.

With full functionality? Not like those cheap WP7 devices which couldn't run all apps?

I just downloaded from Apple. It still says iTunes 10.7, but installation is already changed to 11.

Are you sure? He would have same amount of points as the winner, yes, but that doesn't automatically make him winner.

So... name isn't a word?

And are you doing something about it then?

Then you'll know better next time.

Carmen Overture

I'm not judging the warriors. I'm saying that this might not be the right content for car based site.