
Portrait mode? Why?

[] Unblocks every video. Also add-on for Firefox, Chrome, Opera etc.. Works like charm!

Both are about delphins, doh!

Windows Mobile and Windows Phone are two completely different OSes.

WinMo? trololololol. Didn't you mean Windows Phone?

Yeah, enough with the pictures of the phone. Nokia, why you don't post the actual sample pictures the phone can make? Or if you do, why it is so hard to find?

great app

It's actually in Latvia.

It's really great if you're sick and cough can't let you sleep. Put it on your chest and it will cure cough immediatly. TRUE STORY, bro.

Didn't know that. Thank you.

Kindle somehow reminds me of an iPhone 4. It gets dropped from a fair height and the glass is shattered. Where's practical use of that? Beauty isn't practical at all.

Thanks for the tip, it looks really great, but I still prefer Cosmic Panda, because the video page is much better (video is focused in the centre and the background is dark), simpler and cleaner.

...only in Russia.

Please change the avatar and username as fast as possible. You don't want to get sued by Apple now do you? But seriously:

Found some more white and light blue lines and very, very blue buildings in the same area.

Bit on the left there are smaller, but complete first figure.

Like how playful this logo is. After all, that's what Lambos are all about. Unleash the beast?

This model has no soul. Apparently.

Requesting title spellcheck.