
@strobedream: Wow a car blog that doesn't know what a flight term is... shocking.

@gnarwhal: Sorry bout the long image all, shoulda put it as reply

@Joel Johnson: I don't have a star to lose, so here goes: I don't think that snownpaint's comment was trying to insinuate you had been paid off, he/she was just pointing out the (significant) differences in tone between the two articles. I think "PR rebutal" meant maybe that he thought your stance had changed, and he

Scalia got sass

@OTCIXS: Damn, you can get a girlfriend in 33 seconds?

Left the TV on?

@AmishJohn: Meh.: You have a not:piphone4 tag rather than iphone4, just an fyi

@enjoybobudo: Yo dawg, I heard you like gaming, so i put a game in your game so you can game while you game!