
At 2:10when the black haired guy says EEEXXXTRREEMMEE, Youtube's closed captioning thinks he is saying "John

@Kage56: Hindsight being 20/20, stealth was a pretty bad name idea

Xbox Stealth is my name prediction

@K1NG EV1L: a video of you doing this on CS or TF2 or get out.

@Ossidiana: On a lighter note, i would totally pay to hunt My Little Ponies

The PSP's must 'go'

An Ariel Atom or used Toyota Camry seem like the most reasonable choices for her.

"UFC Undisputed 2010's physicality has a very seductive appeal to it - especially for those who like it rough."

some genre abbreviations are getting ridiculous to say ie/ FPSMMORPG


@DunnCarnage: Jango (Boba) Fett in #4, he had a usable jetpach

@jalopnikfan: Do not they lose money on every one they sell?

That V60 is sexy

if they do put it in multiple time periods, i wonder how the multiplayer weapns will work.