Nick Allen

But you will have to buy 3 of them for offline play, bro.

I was going to buy MW3 for playing with friends, but now? Fuck no. Kotick has gone too far, charging for a service that is made free by other devs.

Only really interested in Lion, iCloud will be useless for UK folks because Spotify and I don't own an iOS device. Really looking forward to the new Lion features though, Mission Control etc. look very practical.

My dad bought a glass desk and genuinely didn't think he'd need a mouse pad, I shit you not.

Want so hard.

Please don't make me watch this. I fell in love when she did that PvZ theme, this is gonna make it worse.

Minecraft wasn't spammed as badly as this was. /v/ proclaim almost anything as viral marketing, but this genuinely is. There'll be 5 threads live at a time, some days where the entire front page will just be Terraria. It's the same tactic Gearbox used for Borderlands.


I refuse to even try Terraria, because the dev is a massive scumbag who has been shitting up /v/ with at least 20 Terraria threads every day. It's annoying and not at all how you are supposed to market.


hurr everything is a conspiracy durr

Finish the game?

Portal 2 is my favourite game of basically ever, and I have decided that everyone (seriously, everyone) should experience it. This article will come in handy for sure.

Oh, I see you frequent /v/.

I am aware of this, but I would say that both of Portal 2's ARGs weren't exactly mediocre.

He still thinks hats matter to anyone!

Attention Ubisoft:

Joy, because my favourite game is also Portal 2.