
The fact that Flash can make a super-intelligent, psychic gorilla into a reasonable thing is a goddamn miracle.

I love how even the super scary villain wishes everyone a happy christmas in The Flash.

They all do need more personality. Right now I am rooting for the Widow.

I think that instead of becoming less dependent on Earth’s ecosystem, we may find a way to take it with us. We are just beginning space mining, and if at any time it becomes equally or more comfortable to live in a space habitat than on Earth, it may be possible for a large space habitat (or for a better chance of

What white baby boomers think is funny. Here’s why Hollywood needs diversity.

The EVERYTHING in Top Secret gets me every time.

Top Secret was a guilty pleasure coming out when it did.

I vote Airplane! I and II and Ghostbusters. Honorable mention to Top Secret!

Annie Hall? Annie fucking Hall? In what way is this punch to the nutsack with a steel fist funny? Sorry, this entire list is invalid because of this poor choice.

The first seeding comes from the birth canal - assuming a vaginal birth. Even with babies born by C-section, physicians are starting to introduce these vaginal bacteria to the newborn.

Maybe they should have just had Kara end up on an Earth where there is no Jor-El. Call it Earth-K. That solves this ridiculous phantom Superman problem.

not enough ALPHAS

Yeah. My pet theory with no support is evil Earth-2 Joe West. But those are also my too candidates.

The Kingkiller Chronicles. I feel like the first 1/3ed of book two was just stuff that should have been in The Name of the Wind. Also I know he is poor and has money troubles I get it....lord do I get it. He talks about Jot and Drabs (I think that’s right) like GRRM talks about food.

The most intriguing, screwed up person on the show was Tyrell’s wife. She was frightening in a very minimal way. I hope she’s expanded on at the very least. The actress has this strange beauty that I can’t really articulate without sounding derisive- but I almost want to say she’s spooky?

I’d add Shoot-Em-Up on there too

“A monster had arrived in the village. Just by using his mind, he took away the automobiles, the electricity, the machines - because they displeased him - and he moved an entire community back into the dark ages - just by using his mind. Now I’d like to introduce you to some of the people in Peaksville, Ohio. This is

In addition to being one of the best time travel short stories I can think of, Heinlein's "—All You Zombies—" has a very interesting family dynamic. The main character is eventually revealed to be both of his/her own parents (plus another main character in the story).

The "other side" in Asimov's The Gods Themselves, that was some weird stuff, specially coming from Asimov