
Try telling every paranoid of the world that the intelligence agencies are really after them, and everyone else (add a pinch of LoveINT for get it extra spicy). And what makes it creepier is that is true.

Expanding the charset adds strenght to the password. But using common words and hoping to increasing the difficulty just mixing cases may fool passwords strenght measuring without getting a password that resist easy dictionary attacks. "PaSsWoRd" is not much safer than "password" because most dictionary attacks try

You need a few easy to remember (but hard to guess/try) passwords (using i.e. this xkcd approach or something similar enough). The rest could be put at a password manager hands and be as random and complex as you wish. But I prefer offline, open source, password managers like KeePassX that are multiplatform enough.

Some years ago played Yohoho Puzzle Pirates in the desktop. It had the basic candy crush puzzle and a lot of other great puzzles, and all of them playing a role in a pirate world. They released recently an ipad version, but not sure how good is it.

I prefer Firefox for syncing bookmarks. It works only in Firefox, but use firefox in all my platforms, and it looks private enough.

1 litre of water (or any other liquid) fills a cube of 10x10x10 centimeters.

That you had all your accounts hacked using Tor means that at the very least you are using it wrong. Tor gives anonimity (not security), your accounts identify yourself if they control/monitor the other side of the connection. Also, if you had been using the Tor browser bundle, the NSA targetted you, not because Tor,

Of course, if you want anonimity, don't use that Tor connection to check your personal mail (at least, if your mail is in google/microsoft/yahoo/etc, your own dedicated server for that might be good enough), nor login with your personal account to social networks, nor identify yourself in sites like this one. That

For the ones that read Asimov's "The end of eternity", the Minimum Necessary Change to accomplish the Maximum Desired Response. Sometimes just buying bigger plates are more effective than weeks of exercise or diet.

*NISSAN* Note? For the size of the box tought that was the new Samsung Galaxy Note.

Farenheit is defined too in terms of water freezing and boiling, just that instead of putting 0 and 100 to those limits it uses 32 and 212. There are levels of arbitrariness, and both the old and the new definition of farenheit are more arbitraries and less universal than celcius. Kelvin is more absolute at what picks

You think switching will get any cheaper with time? Quite the opposite. Think in england, that switched to metric already. It don't mean recalibrating all the existing stuff, as most of the world the will have to be able to convert between both scales for a while. But that is better than being stuck with a measuring

Checked how is defined farenheit right now? Used to be 0 brine freezing point and 100 average human temperature, now the formal definition is 32F is water freezing point and 212F is water boiling point... the 0 and 100 of the celcius scale, just with seemingly arbitraries start and end. That you are used to it don't

The approach of scratch is learning what means variables, what are the main control structures (loops, conditionals, routines, etc), and how to play with it, the very basis of what is programming in most imperative languages.

Regarding celcius vs farenheit, or in general imperial units, it is used by very few islands/small countries and U.S. And even in those countries, metric is the one used by science. There is no need to unite all planets under a single banner for that, just that mainly one country switch to the rational measuring

Javascript is a programming language. HTML is a markup language, like a description of what should be in a web page, but is not a programming language.

If is for absolute from zero beginners, even (or specially) children, my first approach would be Scratch. Think on it as Logo on steroids, you can play with it for a while, testing small animations, checking the examples, and playing with loops, variables and so on in a very visual way. Then (after a few fun days of

After reading (extensively) in paper, computer, dumbphones, palm pilots, tablets, and e-readers, the best experience for me is with an e-reader like Kindle. Is not an absolute this or nothing, depend on many factors, if the book is heavy on maps/images (i.e. discworld illustrated editions), where i would pick the

Things start to get complicated (at least, in linux/bash) when you have a really a lot of files that match the name with wildcard, i.e. if i have 20000 files that start with Pineapple rm -r Pineapple* could fail because bash try to make a line with each one of the matching names.

My first programming language was Pascal, lots of years ago. Was designed for teaching programming, and in that succeeded pretty well, used it for most of my work for several years. But there are newer alternatives now that are better for learning.