

Who is suited up behind Widow in the trailer? With blonde highlights in their hair? Anyone figure it out? Please lmk!!

I remember when io9 used to bask in the glory of our culture. Now, every other article is bashing something. Honestly, stop.

I don’t know how to respond to this article. I feel like, this is some kind of sick joke, right? What more do you need this man to do? He’s as radical as any candidate, yet not radical enough? This article disappoints me, usually, The Root has top-notch articles that aren’t blatantly biased against a heroic man who

Ohhh, don’t let Killer Mike hear you say that. He loves him some Bern!!!

You are late, but no worries :) I have been watching it and I love it!!!

Okay, so the same thing happened to me and some friends. It wasn’t a clear sky, but the clouds were so few and far between that it most definitely was not thunder. It lasted for some time, maybe 5-10 seconds. It was a little terrifying. We thought the atmosphere was imploding. All of us, heads looking up thinking the

I thought it was genius. I would of spit out a drink if I was drinking one it was so funny. They get it, and I am glad they do. They know how much all of us treasure this franchise.

Yeah, just went on Twitter...NICE! Look at everyone... I really can’t read anything just yet. Soon though! 

After starting this show I am also amazed there isn’t more hubbub about this show. And nice! I’m adding y’all’s twitter now. I am trying to push through it right now between work and the kids (and damn Kingdom Hearts III for finally coming out). When does it air for international audiences? I think I will wait for

Did this, and loved it! It had me at the first episode

I started watching it. Okay, holy hell this show is great!!! Thank you for your work in the Screaming Firehawks :) I’m on episode 5 of season 1 and I didn’t realize how much I needed this show in my life. I know I am a little late on this but...#REMEMBERTHECANT lol

Okay, hmm...Should I watch this show? Pros and cons? I heard it was good and kind of didn’t hear anything about it...maybe I haven’t been paying attention. I could use a good sci-fi show to get behind though. 

Do we? Because I am pretty sure white taxpayers are a percentage of that bracket, but not 99%. 

I am so excited for this game!!! I already pre-ordered it!! WOOT! I am really pumped about Big Hero 6 being in this game, flying around on Beta Max fighting Heartless? YES PLEASE!!! 

Damn, I miss that show...

Can we talk about the lack of FF8 ANYWHERE?!?!?! I was hoping it would boost for the Xbox...does anyone know why FF8 is ghosted from all platforms?? I’m really worried about Squall, he can be a his feelings. lol 

My Giz is in cavefish brail...

As a Somali blind cavefish, I support this article.

Why though? I love it, it’s one of my favorites. And I have never sown that movie to anyone who disliked it after watching it. Just curious lol :)