
Name dropping Zelda...pfft...we get, you’re playing are the rest of :P

Legit, one of the scariest phrases in the game lol

I’ve seen many of your posts on these sites and love that your profile pic is of the greatest immigrant from the past 20 years. But in all honesty, I feel like you are feeding the troll machine here. Seriously, you’ve brought up consistent and comprehensible points repeatedly and they get shot down with talking points

GO PENS!!!!!!!!!!

I ship an Attack Torb all day... We are working on a Torb Meta... especially with an Ana... do the math, Nanoboosted Torb while in Molten Core... his DPS is higher than anyone else’s in the game for 8 seconds... also, no one expects a Torb to be any when I use him in Comp (and I do) I have gotten all Golds

Eff that... he needs a small shield or an HP increase...nothing crazy but something to keep him from being one shotted by a Roadhog with the new Hook 2.0

For serious, I am sick of trying to play Soldier on a map and there’s a Roadhog literally stopping me no matter what I do... that’s super unbalanced...

Welcome hero! I got it at the beginning of the year and it has become an addiction... who are you maining rn? It will always does... I have been Maining Mei and Torbjorn...sometimes D.Va...

Wah you need a fucking tissue or something? Bill’s a comedian first and foremost, then an interviewer. Your comments at the end of the article should have been put at the beginning. If I would have known you’re okay with him making fun of everyone just not women and minorities then I wouldn’t have read your

In April of 1994, Nirvana frontman and grunge pioneer Kurt Cobain died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Toby is our number one followed very closely by Beth... her having edibles on standby was clutch for her but Toby almost dying to tell Kate he needed her gave him a solid position in my eyes until the end of this season.

T.O.P. ... not 21P... Just saying, the fangirls would destroy you if they saw that... as a T.O.P. fan in my mid-30's, Idc how anyone abbreviates their band name... and you shouldn’t be surprised...I’ve seen them live twice in the past year and seriously, 2 of the best concerts I have ever been to. Tyler Joseph’s

You can have all my stars today! I swear if people don’t quit playing this damn game like it’s Call of Duty I will lose my collective s#@% !!!!!

62.9 million people were all high on her emails!!!

You mean that’s how they feel...right? Not, fuck them Jews...?

Fuck fuckity fuck fuck... How much more of this shit can we take before we all actually have heart attacks? Or remove him by something more than our will and marches?

I didn’t realize it until just now but my favorite hippopotamus is a surprise hippopotamus.

That last video has me crying...and I can’t stop...I’m at my desk at work andI can’t stop and I refuse to stop. We can’t let this happen. That poor man and his poor family.

but you’re never there...

I hate Hook 2.0, as a Soldier main I am finding it pointless to even play as Soldier if I can just be one shotted repeatedly. Even when I am doing my job correctly I am getting killed by this damn hook. It’s like they want us all to be tanks... I can definitely tell that it targets better, though...which is good for