
Yeah, VIII is my favorite!

I guess different strokes, different folks... I had this conversation with a friend a few weeks ago that Final Fantasy VII is the best Playstation 1 game but Final Fantasy VIII is my favorite. The story, the cards, the soundtrack, the characters, the world, fucking Ragnarok, the Battle of the Gardens and the draw

You forgot VIII...smh lol

FF VIII for the win...of course! :D :D :D :D :D

That’s sad that Mr. Rogers is getting outdated, for he was a staple of my childhood. I actually met him, twice. He was warm and generous and really made you feel like he was actually listening to you. After his death people would make Mr. Rogers jokes that were just beneath me to listen to and I was his vigilant

or a XXX movie director!

As a veteran, with, wtf is this guy yapping about? Fuck!!! I really wish people would KNOW what they are talking about before speaking...yeah, if you trigger me I’ll have a bad day...maybe even break down, but having a complete psychotic break? Dude, gtfo!!!!

The cat-bird-dog reminds me of my dog Artemis... he’s really good at giving love and being there when I need him...but otherwise; he’s just a dick and does what he wants. So much so that he has been annoying the hell out of Ms. Gmoat to where she’s telling me he has to get training or she will leave us... :/ anyways,

Yes, I know the secret...but not for Jeze. io9 and Gizmodo

She is. 100%. She actually put herself on the line KNOWING what would befall her. Julian Assange, someone I used to think I admired hides behind false words and is an embarrassment to humanity. He asks for open secrets but hides in the shadows of the embassy he is at and the internet. He is a mole, a parasite.

Wow... I’ve never seen someone so explosive over Zelda before... what started as a rant about the exclusion of female characters in Zelda became...what the hell did I just read? Kudos to you, drinking and posting is really brave in this new world of trolls and the like. :) Tbh, the Gamecube was awesome but so was the

^^^^This...though, this may put us on a list...smh :’(

I’m a white male voter!!! :)

Ford’s was his abusive father...whoa...this show is fucking up my life!

I don’t know where you got this information but I am shipping the hell out of it! lol and you don’t have to download them... that’s what the robot told me

Not to make light of this horrible situation...but we still beat Michigan on Saturday...


If you, as some random internet commenter, want to be taken seriously, I suggest you never mention the legacy of Jill Stein with the legacy of Senator Bernie Sanders again. He is, by far, the better person. History will remember him as someone who shone a light in the darkness. History will remember her as someone who

I like the show. I am glad to see them back on tv and really enjoyed the last two episodes. I’m not really a car guy but when they are reviewing different types of vehicles I feel like I am. They normalize something for me that is out of touch in my world. And whatever, they’re British humor was spot on. (I mean,