
I’d she wants to know where the profits are she should ask Lee Daniels, Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry.

Is anyone breathlessly waiting around for Tiger to make his triumphant return to the tour?

Because nobody goes to see her movies.

Just so I get this, someone came to her said they had a role, maybe 2-3 weeks work, pays 50k, and then she said yes and cashed the check.

Taking out NK will be like taking out Lichtenstein.

I can assure you anything that goes up in the air in North Korea will be shot down with 30 seconds by th south or the US.

I say let the south invade the north, we win either way.

I'm pretty sure Maddow is channeling Mike Hunt.

You're feet hover.

It’s an understandable mistake, but it can be avoided in the future by making the reinforcing cross post a flat, solid piece of triangular metal.

Looks like Chicago politics.

Looks on purpose to me.

Watson - “I’m taking a year off because no one will hire me.”

Yes, I'm sure that's it.

Can we quit talking about Woods? He’s yesterday’s newspaper.

They need a catapult and aim it at a net. If it goes in, free beer for everyone.

I understand his favorite movie is Lord of the Rings and favorite character is Legoless.

He stuck it.

She’s just happy to be there.

They'll suck your eyeballs.