Its an enclosed, private garage in SoCal. Give em a break, they thought they were safe from jerks. Besides, people dont fuck with wranglers even though they dont have doors, do they? Or sit on motorcycles, even though they can?
Its an enclosed, private garage in SoCal. Give em a break, they thought they were safe from jerks. Besides, people dont fuck with wranglers even though they dont have doors, do they? Or sit on motorcycles, even though they can?
Manny Tranny plz!
Donald Trump, after dismissing the first amendment to stop people making fun of his hair, would fire the Joint Chiefs of Staff because Trump knows best.
Trump will go to his property manager and yell: “Get him out of here!”
Ban Automatics.
I agree but they said in the article this acts as a serial hybrid, with the turbine charging the batteries that power the motors which turn the wheels. You can run the turbine at peak performance despite the speed of the car. And turning at 90,000 rpm probably generates a shit ton of electricity in a short amount of…
quick question.... is Lockheed Martin able to sell this to other countries? Or is it US only?
Looks absolutely amazing, but that gas tank looks like youll be doing all your driving from one gas station to the next.
She’s got some hips. Some Camaro/Ftype/Miata hips.
My first reaction too. But then I thought about it as $185,000 for a 911 where they removed the radio and leather and added garish stripes so everyone knows you overpaid.
Sprinter Trueno!
His name is Robert Paulson:
Admiring the angle of his (arm) dangle?
I vote bitch tits.
Those are the 20 kittens and 100 doves that Hilary was planning on sacrificing to the dark lord to make her POTUS.
Yeah, and think of all the free massages Dov hands out to his employees!
So they can write it off as a business expense.