
Well, just remember that the same drivetrain, engines, and batteries can be used across the entire range (and also in other applications, like batteries). So hardware wise, they are setting themselves up for much lower costs down the line.

Hooray for Italians!

I didnt even know they still made this. I think Ive only seen one on the road. Cool car.

My advice: Remember that no one owes you a relationship. If you feel like you deserve a person who wants to be with you, youre looking at it all wrong.

John Hamm’s penis? What the what? Oddly specific...

Amazonian Stig??? Im down.

1 word: Schadenfreude.

Is this photoshop? What the hell is going on with those headrests? Is it just to further block your visibility?

Hang out in SF’s SOMA at lunchtime and you will see nerds on unicycles, nerds on razor scooters, nerds on electric razor scooters, nerds on electric unicycles, nerds on electric skateboards. Basically anything that “disrupts” physical exertion or public transportation.

My dream car:

Plus you can lock the kids in the trunk, just what every parent traveling with toddlers dreams of:

Space-grade alloys? Maybe the other car makers should start building spaceships too... Just so we get more awesome engineering to trickle down into our SUVs.

Its the Duke Nukem Forever of sports cars.

Going for the Poirot, I see... Unfortunately they placed the bowtie a bit too high

I remember the floating hercules a little differently

NB Miata with manual transmission. Can’t load up a lot of friends, so they won’t be driving at night. Can’t go too fast because Miata. No distracted driving because Manual. Reliable, cheap, fun. Plus it’s got kawaii factor for girls and track cred for guys.

If you rear end anyone, its automatically your fault unless you can prove otherwise.

Breaking News: “Nardelli announces White House bid, joins crowded GOP field”

This car is so dated. No modern car would have that many physical buttons! Wheres the touchscreen with 20 submenus that are disabled at more than 5mph? The voice control that turns on the AC instead of changing the 4 month free sirius? The one massive knob that can change gears / activate the ebrake and lift gate? The

Seeing as how Ötzi already had some kickass Birkenstocks, was an avid outdoorsman, and into homeopathy, I postulate: VW Westfalia!