
With the way cops drive the hybrids won't ever engage.  

These cars are cheaply made trash, wake up.  I wouldn't be caught dead in one of these fugly piles of scrap.  

No Prius will ever be fun to drive.  They are garbage vehicles.  

Because all of us car drivers are too busy getting to work to pay for all these deadbeats on bicycles that don't have a job.  

For that car to be priced that low there is something wrong with it for sure.  But who would want it, they are riddled with problems and are extremely expensive to maintain.  

So semi trucks just get to skate by at 100,000 lbs without paying more then? This is ridiculous the personal truck's and SUV’s are not the problem, it’s the commercial vehicles wake up.

She's just telling you the reality of it.  She's not saying women can't do it.  She's saying is not common for women to want to drive race cars, that's it.  You are completely taking her words out of context because you are a moron. 

Why would you ever buy a pile of shit Hyundai? Everything they make is junk.  

She doesn't pack up any lunches her maid/chef does let's be honest folks she ain't cookin' in those nails.  

No v6 mustang will ever be worth 25k.  This car isn't in the slightest bit rare.  A shopping cart dent will be fixed for a few hundred dollars not a small fortune.  This writer is stupid and this guy is mentally insane.  

I wouldn't have even paid almost 20k when this piece of shit was new.  Car is trash.  It's worth 5-6k maybe.  

Looks more like a fusion than a Taurus 

Overpriced piece of shit

Salvage/rebuilt title.  That POS isn't even worth 3 grand. 

No one is trading in a Bentley for that hunk of scrap.  They are out of their mind.  

How is that 3 rows when you have to fold down row 2 to get to the third row of seats?  It's not.

My bet is this stems from starting these vehicles and letting them run either to warm up or other reasons.  If a car sits running and then you get in to leave you will smell exhaust inside the car because it's not moving and the exhaust has no where to go.  This is especially more present when people do this in their

Skylark gs's were never aimed at euro luxury.  This hack writer doesn't know shit about cars.  

Who cares it's a 5600 lb pile of scrap.  

Ugly pile of junk.  No one wants or collects these cars.  This thing should be scrapped.