
A vehicle at this day in age without reverse lights is illegal dumbass so yes you need them. 

Challengers are cheaply made trash.  They weigh too much and they handle like shit.

This is why you don't buy a Stellanis product.  If they can't even put the fuckin badge on correctly, do they even know how to build the car? 

Who cares at the end of the day it's just another piece of shit Hyundai just like the rest.  This car will never be in the same class as anything German stop trying to put it there.  

When you have a vehicle built the price is in the contract. The dealer has no legal right to change the purchase price in said binding contract. Sue the dealer and own the damn thing.

They actually probably paid more due to the shortage of chips and vehicles in general.  Not to mention dealers are pulling more and more scams because of all this.  These dealers are making up any excuse they can to overcharge you right now.  

You are full of shit those continental’s ride 10 times better than a town car.  

These ones will suicide doors are not custom they are from the factory like that.  Ford did this as special edition continental's to pay tribute the 60s cars that had them.  You would know that if you were an actual car guy not a speculative hack.  

Ford 4.9 straight six, bulletproof 

Thats not a bike it's an overpriced scooter.  

That is beyond ugly.  Not worth the money at all.  It is also no longer a watch it's a dick-straction.

You're a doctor, your cheap ass probably doesn't tip at all. 

This won't last more then a few days being they have no way to keep the pizza warm during it's flight.  No one pays for cold pizza intentionally.  

This owner should put the crack pipe down.  This pile of scrap isn't worth even 600 bucks let alone his ridiculous asking price.  

Who cares about this crooked veteran, crooked cop and his pile of scrap car.  This article should have never been written.  Waste of time.

He was a worthless nobody.  His music was trash.  Anyone who hides behind a mask is a fake piece of garbage.  

Its a piece of garbage durango 56 grand gotta be a Vietnam vet that hides everytime he hears a firework. This guy is nuts I wouldn’t even give him 56 dollars for that pile of scrap.

These cars were barely worth more then 3200 new.  Unreliable pieces of shit.

What an unreliable piece of shit this car is.  13k it's not even worth 1300 regardless of miles.  Fiat builds junk, always have always will.  

What a gigantic waste of time and money.