
Who cares?  You people find the dumbest most useless shit to write about.  It has 409,000 miles on it, it's not even worth the 17 grand they were offering.  

Probably will be complete garbage like anything she is involved in

5 cylinders are not naturally balanced motors that will eventually shake themselves apart no matter who builds them.  Wouldn't waste my time with this.

There is no comparison between this and a porsche.  If you wanted a Porsche you will be very disappointed.

An e63 will never be cooler or more powerful then an rs6 avant.  Mercedes are junk as soon as the come off the line.

Folded up like paper from a clip.  Looks like a very cheap wannabe Ferrari to me.

That motor doesn't make anything close to even 755 stop lying.

They aren't fixing things that the recall causes for free.  The recall on the trans cause the clutch plates to go and Ford says it's your problem.  No Ford you designed this shit trans you fix the fucker.  

It has nothing to do with learning to drive a manual you fuckin tool. Not every car is offered in a manual. This was an ignorant, irrelevant comment to make. This is about a faulty automatic trans not a lack of people driving manuals because they can’t drive a stick. You’re probably a faggot that has a manual 90s

Car is 18 years old as basic as it gets with those cloth seats and has 182k on it.  Waste of time, waste of money that car isn't worth half of what it's listed for.

Something a fake sneakerhead would say.  The original colorway of the n64 logo.  

Colin is half white he should really shut the fuck up. Ron is a tool that made shoes we will probably see in the Walmart clearance isle before the end of the month. I feel that people who look for something to offend them is fucking offensive, grow up stop whining like a pussy bitch blank american. I couldn’t care

Its a hideous looking piece of shit actually.  

Why you mad bro, can't afford a 10 second car?

Oh now it's a minivan.  When that new Pacifica was released a few years ago they were calling it a crossover because the first gens were.  Changing the name doesn't make it any less of a heaping pile of garbage.  Bailout motors should not even exist right now.

A pile of shit meets a heaping pile of shit to make one giant piece of shit truck.  This person has something mentally wrong with them to build this.

Your a Jew sucker.  I'd gladly sleep in a hotel bed then on top of that piece of shit in a make shift dog house strapped to the roof.  Only cheapskates would write an article like this.  

This is fuckin ridiculous.  This Guido bitch has some serious mental problems to cover a car in hair.  Why would you ever do that it looks stupid as fuck and is very creepy at the same time.  This woman should be committed.

Its made by Chrysler it's a piece of shit.  It was then and surely is now.  Chrysler would love to be the other two of the big 3 but they never will be due to the fact that they can't stand on their own two feet financially and they build throw away cars.  

No it's not he's a shit actor.