I think the naivety can be criticized when there are a million examples of things like this getting nuked from orbit to go off of. There’s no reason to ever show this stuff off until it’s done and released.
I think the naivety can be criticized when there are a million examples of things like this getting nuked from orbit to go off of. There’s no reason to ever show this stuff off until it’s done and released.
Oh yeah totally, I am sure it was a rocking success on black friday entirely due to popularity and price point and nothing to do with it being the only console ever in stock in stores.
Nah going to be 100% practical effects.
>single company performs hostile takeover of dozens of regional wrestling circuits
>said company starves out all competition via growing monopoly
>lack of competition eventually leads to complacency, drop in quality
>drop in quality leads audience to look elsewhere, reviving competition
>growing competition and lingering…
That wax sculpture of Vince McMahon is very poorly made.
You can visit other people’s villages and play with them in multiplayer. There’s an unofficial trade market of sorts tracked online through a website where you can “buy” a specific villager from someone that has them (a villager will move to a previously visited island if you kick them out off your island). The most…
You know who doesn’t have to worry about having to pay scalper prices or gamble on getting in-game content from what are basically scratchers? Pirates and hackers, who are perfectly willing to help all of you get these characters for free and stick it to the scalpers.
And series five is going to be even worse than the previous series. There are 24 NPCS, which are only one per pack, where the previous series has 17. So that’s seven more packs you have to get at a minimum to get a full set. And there are only 24 villagers, down from *83* in the previous series.
“I don’t like thing, that means nobody gets to have it!”
The best Metroidvania of the year and not one mention of the actual Metroid that just came out?
It is absolutely hilarious how much they don’t let Chris Evans speak on that trailer.
It’s not complicated, the movie isn’t what the toy is based on, it’s the gritty reboot of the thing the toy is based on.
From the quoted piece in the article, this emulator only guarantees that games boot. It does not guarantee that any or all games can or will play from start menu to credits, or that they would do so without issues.
The best selling game in a franchise that has always sold poorly isn’t a high bar to clear.
Tipping is the biggest problem in the American service industry. It’s 2021 and the national tipped minimum wage is $2.13.
I feel like this is skewed. I mean, yes the consoles sold, but how many of them have sold to scalpers trying to bleed the aftermarket dry because of supply issues. Meanwhile I can walk into any store and get a Switch probably.
P sure they’re kidding.
This seems like a complaint that comes from the section of the fanbase that is devoted to making these games the least amount of fun possible.
I love you for counting.