
I’m just glad they didn’t straight up replace a PS4 game with a PS5 game. There’s a lot of hype but very few people will actually upgrade to a PS5 in the launch window.

Free keys + juicing the Twitch algorithm to feature their game more = corporate juggernaut 

Wow. My copy of Civilization for my Tandy computer only took up 4 discs.

Sweet! So now that it’s out of beta, will they be resetting all accounts so we can all start off on a level playing field? That’s pretty compulsory, right?

It looks fine. I’d watch it.

Idon’t know the meta, but looking at the headline GX cards, they are not going to be sought after by anyone playing competitively. At best I'm guessing there’s a few useful common/uncommon Staples in there.

Still addicted to Gwent. GWENT. Yeah I’ll try a grid based card game.

Casual here. I was excited to see this, and am genuinely shocked to see the negativity. Can someone please explain the negative reaction?

It’s not coming out for 6 months.  It still says Rating Pending on the cover.  I’m sure there will be more detail added by the time this launches.

Sold. Yeah I’ll happily buy my 3rd version of this game and play it for the 18th time.

Every game mode is considered Pre-release Early Access.

I’m not really expecting much from this series ending. The storylines have gone from intricately-woven character based storytelling to mindless action tentpoles strung together by awkward dialogue after they ran out of original source material which has completely detached me from whatever story is left to tell.

This game looks interesting.  I can’t wait for it to get out of its testing Beta so we can all play the final product!

I looked at him and said “he’s gonna be out first Fire / Fairy type.”  Pleaspleasepleaseplease

FYI $899 now.  I missed the deal!

FYI $899 now.  I missed the deal!

I think this is the actual reason.  The void would interfere with the slit.

Isn’t Ryan Reynolds doing this Pikachu?  NO?!  Eevee it is.

But what kind of in game content do these Amiibos unlock?

I usually end up marathoning a random season of Slayers every year or so. Slayers Next clearly the best but you have to even out your wear.

I think this is basically setting up more of a “despirate 80's reboot to save the franchise” than a strict canon prequel. Also, the Michael-Bay-verse movies aren’t really even consistent with themselves, so continuity is fine going right out the door in service of something people may actually pay to see.