
Odin Sphere: Leiftrasir will be out on the PS4, PS4, and the PS Vita next January in Japan.

Am I a bad person for enjoying Fable 3?

So glad Pokemon TCG Online has settings to disable animations. Cards like Lysandre’s Trump Card used to take forever to animate through.

Yeah, that was pretty fun. Online play and Mario themes all over! Too bad the online servers no longer exist.

This is the status quo for mobile games. “review us, get in-game currency.” They just ported a mobile game to Steam and didn’t think too hard about the consequences. I really can’t blame them, though it probably should have been researched a little.

This cover reminds me of something...

I don’t think so. Let Miyamoto keep actually making games please.

Because this wasn’t a leak, it was a “leak,” and the studio didn’t want to get in trouble for explosing kiddies to violence without a proper warning. Because “leaked” trailers get more publicity than released trailers.

Yeah, the initial kickstarter and their website’s FAQ from 2013 until April 2015 said the release was expected April 2015. It was on their site that way until the publishing deal was made public.

The car skin has some nice tweaks (red pinstripe is what I notice first), but if the car looked like this, I would go out and buy the game TODAY.

They’re forgetting, Kickstarter is a grass-roots funding platform, not a pre-order system.

It says the code has expired, but it’s still discounted to $12.99.

It says the code has expired, but it’s still discounted to $12.99.

Why is that a question? That’s the obvious reality and has been that way for awhile. As an example, The Industry was noting how it was amazing that Splatoon sold over 1 million copies for being a new franchise - but that was heavily debated at Nintendo and some were saying it could have sold more if it had been a

*THAT’S* the thing you find weird about this picture.

With all the brand mash-ups and spin-offs Angry Birds does, I won’t be surprised to see Angry Birds Siege coming soon, with ads portraying a big-chicken-breasted egg-layer taking a bath and then riding to victory, whispering motivation to Red while he shreds his competition to bacon, which will have nothing to do with

I’m about your age (older, actually) and am calling your bluff and raising. Also, welcome to the 21st century.

I was going to insert a “shut up and take my money” gif, but... if the game is that zen, then it would be inappropriate.

I play obscure JRPGs while talking to my Amiibos, and usually get the limited editions. Pre-ordering is the only way I’ll likely see a physical version of my product, especially in the only corner where “limited edition” still means something. Also, typically the game has been out in Japan for months before it comes

$5 says FE Fates: Lesbian Edition sells better.

If you get tips for how to deal with Gods, from Hyperdimension Neptunia, you’d just invite them to play videogames all day and fight monsters in the street. There’s no monster’s in the street, sooooo... I guess they’re following the advice to a T!