This article is not news at all. It’s just a blog post. If anything, it is what you might call a feature. People really need to learn the difference between “fake news” and “some blogger’s position that I disagree with.”
That’s right! It was all Crimean Freedom Fighters*
Congratulations, Jalopnik; We know.
Those are becoming cheaper then power windows it is going to become standard regardless of regulations
I think I’d rather see a sales tax on vehicles that fall below a specific MPG threshold. That would force the people who want those ghastly huge trucks to pay for it without hitting poorer people who rely on mass transit or small cars to get where they’re going.
Seriously, it’s fucking stupid to think that big oil/coal are sustainable industries going forward. This administration is a joke.
I’d kinda kill for a huge increase in oil prices. I know it would hit many financially, but the less trucks and SUV’s that I see the better.
Nothing to do with the oil leaks, but for the rest use of sodium whatever on roads should not continue. On sidewalks and steps, fine. I live in Brooklyn. I have no idea when I’ve run into road salt, but after getting new tires a few years ago they had to use a sledge hammer (on the tires, not wheels fortunately) to…
You’re actually calling BS because these feats are not possible... in a video game?
Why are the pretty ones always crazy?
Then his mission would be a success. He has said multiple times he started it because no one else was serious about EVs
Laugh, but now he looks like a frigging genius.
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.
I thought this was the best thing on the internet:
Things that aren’t really ironic:
Wait. A Rio now costs almost 19K? Fuck that shit.
As someone who used to wear clothing like that, you generally don’t give a shit and none of your possessions are worth enough to worry about. Except maybe your guitar, you should probably take off the studded belt when using the guitar.