If they can do it, why can't you?
If they can do it, why can't you?
Because apartment.
The amazing thing is that 12,000 fucking people found Waldo to begin with.
I've stated this elsewhere in response to some other user's comments, but I'd really prefer to make it a discussion of its own.
You can't imagine that someone wants their car to do something other than be the slowest car at the HPDE, like actually get them to the track buried in the middle of the woods in the part of the state you've never been to? Give it a rest, this obsession with shaving off every pound is tired. It's tantamount to dick…
Do you never drive your convertible with the top up?
FAA Official Data sheet
I actually did it once. It was an 8 hour long flight and the kid kept kicking my seat. The mother was such an asshole that even when I requested her to ask her child to stop kicking me, she said "he's young" and looked quite indifferent. Of course the child threw a huge tantrum after being tripped, but I felt such…
I'd also like to add; "Assholes take newborn babies on red-eye flights because well, maybe they'll sleep." I frequently take a red-eye from LA back to the east coast, and almost every single goddamn time, someone has a newborn baby on the flight screaming the entire time when the other 250 people on the plane WANT TO…
Excellent! Yes!! It's so tempting to accidentally leave your foot too far out in the aisle when they run by.
I'd like add Assholes let their young children "free range" down the aisle because the kid can't get "lost."
I've always kind of wanted one of those.
You must be new here. There ain't a lot of dissing El Caminos on this site.
That actually looks pretty cool.
Slap enough sanctions on them, and they will need the hard currency more then they do messing with the EU and Natural gas.