I always end up comparing new cars to the ‘95 Maxima I used to own. If a new car can’t beat an old family sedan in power:weight then I’m not interested.
I always end up comparing new cars to the ‘95 Maxima I used to own. If a new car can’t beat an old family sedan in power:weight then I’m not interested.
Mazda has less than half the sales of Subaru in the US? That’s crazy, it’s nearly opposite in Canada. I see Mazda 3s everywhere.
Had to go down way too far to find this. The CRX was supposed to be cheap, tossable, efficient car. The CRZ was also supposed to be those things, but is far more expensive, feels less like a go-cart, and gets significantly worse mileage than the more efficient CRX-HF (though slightly better than the Si)
Doesn’t it seem likely that the fighting would only last a couple of weeks at best? Supply lines would be destroyed on day 1 and it’s hard to imagine the North continuing to fight without the ability to get reinforcements, food, etc.
Are these all of african-american origin? What about “Slay”? People have been using that since the 80's.
I have no idea if blazers are actually starting to be worth money again, but this is certainly worth less than a stock blazer. I’d say NP at maybe $4000.
Just watched the video and while they dragged him forcefully from his seat while he screamed, I didn’t see anyone hit him. Is there another video that I’m missing?
If this was a bone-stock, USDM, turbo with under 100k miles in mint condition, I could see getting $10k. Being JDM knocks a bit off and the mods a bit more. The CEL and straight pipe knock at least a few g’s off too. I’d say NP at $5000.
I live in Vancouver, Canada and earthquake prep is real. It’s not a super likely thing to happen, but if it does it could be really bad. Like no running water for a month or longer.
This sounds pretty typical of all tech companies. No real controversy here.
I’ve seen their location in Olympic Village. Always thought they sold electric bikes. Now that I think of it, there are usually 2 or 3 356s parked out back of the building. I wonder where their manufacturing is located.
Maybe this is the market rate for this car, but no way in hell would I pay that.
To be fair, the only way to not be pale is to take your shirt off outside.
With a decent motor this could be worth nearly $10k. At $16k with that POS, no way. Also, only 800 miles on it since it was built would keep me away regardless.
It was decent, not quite as good as the first episode. The dialog and delivery still seems pretty wooden, but not terrible. If it continues to improve then no complaints there.
It was decent, which is to say, better than all of last season. If they would just get rid of the interview segment it would be so much better. It seems like the interview was always the least liked part of the old show.
I would actually be fine with removing the CAFE-mandated fleet standards, as long as it was replaced with a tax scale that makes inefficient vehicles more expensive. That way there will be cheap, efficient vehicles for people that either can’t afford or don’t want a less efficient one. CAFE kinds of accomplishes this…
Ugh, I hadn’t seen that. Its so clean looking too. I’d be embarrassed to be seen in that.